Bad Girl

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Adrian's POV

over the past year Randy and myself have been doing just fine. both of our birthdays past and alanna turned 10. shell be 11 in 5months and we're not too excited, she's getting so big.

Alexis called me a couple of months ago and said the reason there were no wedding invitations was because they split. but they got back together and the wedding is back on.

randy and I are currently getting ready for that wedding and then the next day we have work. we decided we would take alanna when we got back home to Tampa because we would both be off for a month.

but that's not for awhile. we have everything planned and we're ready to go. randy and I have a had a couple of fights and arguments, but nothing serious.

I would say we're doing okay right now, although we're bickering. apparently Kimberley has been texting randy and low and behold he's been answering as of latley. I have no clue why but it scared me and made me mad.. I don't want him to have contact with her unless its a phone call about the boys.

As selfish as I sound right now, I'm his girlfriend and thats his ex wife that by the way I do not trust at all.. She's a low life scumbag who flirts with randy constantly. I just don't want him to leave me for her... I don't want what we have to end.. I love him.

Anyways, right now I'm in the room with my mother, the make up artist, and my sisters. We're all aost done and the wedding starts in 10mins.. I'm happy for Alexis's and her fiance is an amazing man, I know he will take care of her. They're perfect together.

10 mins later

As a bridesmaid she wanted me to walk out last, aka right before she does so I agreed. When I was walking down the aisle randy was at the alter and I couldn't help but to stare at him.. seeing him at an atler with a suit makes me anxious and ready to be married, but I hold myself back.

I made my way to the alter and stood beside the rest of them, then everyone rises as Alexis makes her way to the alter.

Everyone's eyes were already watering and her finance was pouring tears, just seeing how beautiful she looked and knowing he made the right choice. seeing randy wipe a tear away as they read their vows made me emotional. He looked so cute, this is a state you rarely see him in.

When all was said and done, we all joined the two on the dance floor and danced to a slow song. I put my head on Randy's chest as he rested his chin on top of my head. We just swayed to the music, taking in this beautiful moment we shared together.

Words can't describe the feeling I have inside of me right now. I know he would be such an amazing husband, but then again neither of us are really ready to fully commit again. I know how he feels about being married again and I just agreed with him. Maybe when the time is right.

When the wedding was over we said our goodbyes and made our way to the private jet. We were on our way to Tennessee for Monday night raw tomorrow.

{11:00am - Tennessee}

We arrived in Tennessee at 6am and we've been asleep since, we were completely jet lagged. However we were just now waking up to go to the gym before our live event. A good exercise never hurt anybody right?

After our little gym session it was nearly 4pm and we decided to head to the arena. Going early we saw a ton of fans sitting outside and they started going crazy when they saw us. Like always, we signed some autographs and had small talk. By the time we were done going around the lines it was 5pm and I needed to go see Stephanie & Paul.

walking into their office I sat down after greeting them, letting them talk.

"well arsyn, we've decided on a new storyline for you. You've played the good role over the past couple of years and we want to spice it up. You will start coming down through the crowd and you will be feuding with brie bella" -Stephanie

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