Stage 3 "Getting to Know the Grounds"

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Lucas paused. Pros for unpacking: meet the roommates and try figure out if they’re a threat. I can also get settled in. His options raced through his mind. Pros to taking a tour now…I may already have studied the layout of the school, but seeing it in person would help. I can also size him up and try figure out what he’s all about, he glanced at Auden.

“I’ll take you up on the tour,” he decided.

“Sure,” Auden shrugged. “We’ll skip the classrooms. You’ve seen what there is to see…and besides…they’re pretty boring. As for the labs and all that, you’ll get around to it in class anyways.” He began down the stairs.

Lucas fell into step beside him.

“So, what brings you to the great Ellison  High?” Auden asked.

“My parents wanted me to because of the reputation. Seventy one percent of graduates go on to become successful,” Lucas replied smoothly. He had been prepared for this question.

“You mean wealthy,” Auden shot him a grin. “So I’m guessing you’re in it for a successful future…like most others.” They reached the second floor and continued down. “But the question is; what happens to the other twenty nine percent?”

Lucas didn’t reply.

“They don’t make it,” Auden told him as they reached the first floor. He turned to Lucas, “And who’s not to say that you’ll be one of them?”

Lucas thought it over. Is that a concealed threat?

“Then again,” Auden laughed, “the same could be said for me.” They reached the door. “Now, how about we start on the sports side of campus?”

“Sure,” Lucas agreed as he followed Auden from the building.

They walked towards the large black building which Lucas knew to be the gym combined with an indoor pool. It looked fancy from the outside, with large windows at the top for natural lighting.

“Sport is huge in Ellison ,” Auden explained. In the distance, Lucas could see a lacrosse team practicing on one of the countless sports fields that surrounded the area. “Eighty percent of scholarships are given out for it. The facilities are endless too.”

Though Lucas already knew all of this, he pretended to be interested enough that it looked as though it was his first time hearing it. To his right, Lucas saw five riders gallop by on horses.

Auden glanced over. “Ah. Name the sport and we have it. The riding department has been pretty successful. A lot of the members go on to compete worldwide.” A wry smile made its way to his face. “They practice a lot with the Bel girls as well. That’s enough to motivate them. I actually tried out in my freshman year…” he trailed off.

“You didn’t stay?” Lucas asked curiously.

“Horses aren’t for me,” Auden replied. “The movies made it look so much easier than it is. Besides, I’ve found ice hockey more to my liking. Did it most of my life after all.”

“Are you on the team?” Lucas took the opportunity to find out more.

“Yeah. But I’m not as active this semester. It’s my last one after all. Got to concentrate on my studies.”

They reached the door to the gym.

“We won’t check out the stables and some other stuff,” Auden informed him. “Unless you’re really interested.”

“It’s fine,” Lucas assured him.

“Great, this way we might make it back before dinner,” Auden told him as he pushed the glass doors open. They walked into a room filled with one trophy after the other. Pictures covered the walls of teams holding various awards. The teams ranged from volleyball to field hockey. Upon a closer look, Lucas caught sight of Auden on the ice with the rest of the hockey team. They were holding a large golden plate.

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