Stage 15 "Untangling The Web"

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The announcement came before the second period. Lucas listened as classes were listed in the order they would be going in for their blood tests.

 “Class 3H,” the principle’s voice blared over the speakers, “you have the lunch period.”

There were groans all around the classroom. No doubt, most of the boys had been hoping to be able to slip out during one of their classes.

Lucas didn’t heed the complaints around him as the gears in his mind began to turn. That gives me a time frame of three hours…two if I want to play it safe and get something done… The teacher for the second period hadn’t yet come and so the boys began to get noisy.

“Anyone else pumped for the game tomorrow?” someone asked.

“Nope,” came an instant reply. “But I am for the girls!”

There were shouts of agreement all around.

Lucas leaned back in his chair as a plan began to form in his mind. There’s only one problem…I need another person…M18, code name Zack. I’ll call him. He shot a glance at the clock. There’s no chance to go to my room without a valid excu… the thought trailed off and he stood abruptly.

All around him his classmates were still discussing the girls of Bel High.

Four minutes till the next period, Lucas noted as he slipped out the door. He grabbed a football from another guy’s desk along the way without being noticed.

He headed for another classroom, the one belonging to Nathan. He found it in a similar condition as his own, with the teacher not there yet and the boys in high spirits of the upcoming game…or more precisely the girl’s presence.

Lucas popped his head in.

“You lost?” someone yelled jokingly as he noticed him.

Nathan looked over from where he was sitting on his desk and having a conversation. Seeing Lucas, he jumped off hurried over.

“What’s up?” he asked, looking both hopeful and excited.

Lucas was well aware of the ears all around.

“I had a question about the game tomorrow,” he said.

Almost at once, most of those listening tuned out.

“Oh…” Nathan looked disappointed.

Lucas nodded to the hallway. Nathan followed him. Once they were in the clear, Lucas turned and tossed him the football.

“How good is your aim?” he asked.


Lucas’ eyes darted to the fire alarm down the hallway, a button behind a glass box.

“And how hard is your shot?” he added.

Nathan furrowed his forehead. However, as Lucas continued to stare, his roommate turned to try see what he was looking at. Seeing the alarm, he seemed to catch on.

“Dude, seriously?” He turned around. “What’s up you ne…” he trailed off as Lucas shook his head and held up a finger to remind him of rule number one. “Ah, got it.” Nathan nodded. “I guess I won’t ask. Later?”

Lucas didn’t respond.

“Alright then.” Nathan tossed the football into the air and caught it again. “Guess it’s time to prove I’m a pretty good shot.” His face split into a grin. He turned back to his classroom and stuck his head in. “Anyone want to play some till class starts?” he asked, raising the ball.

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