Chapter 2

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I woke up under a tall oak tree, unchained. Am i in heaven? I thought to myself. I pinched myself. Nope I was alive. But how? I had cuts and bruises all over my self, but I could move every bone. How would I of survived? I looked down at myself. I was covered in leaves and grass, and had dirt on my face. then I knew, there was someone else here, protecting me.

" Hello?" I asked.

A bush shaked, and a stick cracked.

" I know your out there", I said with a smirk.

" If I come out will you hurt me?" the voice asked.

" I promise I won't'", I replied.

Then a young boy hopped out of the bush. He was covered it scrapes and dirt, and wore camafloge. He had light blond hair and brown eyes. His pants were ripped up at the bottom, showing a large gash. "Hello sir, the name's Luke", he greeted," and yours?" "Tyler..Tyler Reck", I replied. " I saw you falling from the plane into the lake, sir, I fished you out with a net then brouht you back here. You almost died out there, but you're alive, thanks to me", he said. That's why I was alive. This dear boy saved my life. " Well thank you Luke, you saved my life", I said. " So you aren't going to kill me?" he asked. " No promises...", I teased. He backed away. " Hehe, I'm just kidding", I said. He came closer. " I'm sorry I didn't take you home, my sister has a strict policy about no visiters",he said," But... I'll take you home anyways, t's way too dangerous out here, and you seem trustworthy... I think..." he said. " Okay little man, let's go', I said.

I stood up and walked near him. We walked for a while until we reached an apple tree on a hump of land. " We're here!" he exclaimed. " Where is it?' I asked. He smirked and walke over to the back of the hump of land, and right there was a hidden door. " Follow me", he said. He took out a key in his pocket, then opened the door. We crawled inside to a cramped room. In one corner there was two handmade beds, side by side. In the other corner there was two tiny cabinets made of bark, and a couple bowls made of bark. There were spears and dead animalslined across one wall. On the other wall there was two tubs of water and different medicines.

" Home sweet home", he said. " I'm guessing you and your sister have been here a while.." I said. "We sure have, and it's gotten to be easier, survivng here. It's not easy, but- easier", he said. " Well then this should be fun", I said sarcastically. " I'll get you some rabbit meat and a bowl of water", he said, " For now, You can make yourself comfortable on my bed", he said. "Where will you sleep?" I asked. " With my sister, I guess",he replied. " You sure?" I asked. " Yes sir", he said.

All the sudden the door opened and a woman came in. "Who the hell is this?" she yelled.

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