Chapter four

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Hey everyone I don't know if you have noticed but I have an amazing new cove for my book.
I am trying to work on updating more often. So here is the fourth chapter hope you like it😁

    Wills room isn't that far from Jaspers if you take the short cut. We have these secret passage ways that lead to any and every where in Vosta. Vosta is our capital here in the country of Cocriea. I can never think of exactly what happened to form the country. I was NOT great in history, but I got the simplified version down packed so I still know what everyone one means.

In 2000 there was a huge war between Europe, North America, and South America. They call it "The Great War" (teens call it TGW for short) because it went on 6 years straight. Finally it got to the point where South America and Europe had signed a treaty to destroy North America.

But you see North America wasn't having that. So they stole this big bomb from Japan and where transporting it in a submarine in the North Atlantic Ocean to attack on South America. When the bomb "malfunctioned" (really I think Japan was mad they took it so they remotely set it of making them or enemy) and blew up causing a huge earthquake.

That earthquake caused Europe, North America, and South America to break off and from one big continent. After that while everyone was recovering they discovered (mysteriously mite I add) that all the head leaders of all three continents died form the earthquake (I think they where assassinated ninja style)

While the people where still in chaos a man named Adam Walker rose up out of nowhere and started rebuilding city's and providing food and shelter for those who had none. Soon the political men of the world started to talking to him like he was the man in charge. Time after that people started asking questions, but soon found out that he was the son of one of the dead leaders and since no one else had the money, power, or time he soon became king.

He named the country Cocirea and the capital Vosta. Legends say he had spies all over the continent and that he used secret tunnels to get them in and out of the palace. It still remains a mystery to those who live in the Outland. But as kids we would use those tunnels to get to places in the palace faster.

Soon we were standing in front of the Mona Lisa. Jasper quickly look to make sure no one was looking and then slid his hand on the side of the picture and a slot in the wall opens next to it.

I walked in first quickly turning on the light. I stand there at the top of the staircase in awe of the amazing art work of these tunnels. I slowly walk down the stairs running my hands down the beautiful carvings in the black granite.

"Are you ever going to move?" I look up at jasper with a glare snapping out of my daze. "Shut up and let's go." I tell him as I start to make my way to Wills room. It's not that far just a couple turns and your there.

Jasper press the button to open the secret door that leads to the Royal quarters and we step out. Right as I am about to knock on his door it swings open.

There stands Will with his long shaggy blond hair and storm blue eyes. Of course I have to tilt my head up a little bit to see his face and that giddy some he always has on it. "Hey baby sis what up, and why isn't you bodyguard fully dressed?" He asks with a now confused look. I smile back at him and blush slightly when I realize I forgot that he left his dress shirt had jacket back in his room.

" Can we come in we need a favor." I tell him. "Yeah come on." he holds open the door waving us in and closes the door. "So the thing is tha-" I start to say but get cut of right away. "Don't worry sis you don't Evan have to ask of course I won't tell mom and dad about you and your little bodyguard boyfriend" he looks and smiles at like what he said was completely natural. "NO!NO!NO and wait what was it? NO!?" I say in my high pitched voice. Awe man know he thinks I am lien me and my stupid voice had to go all high.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it." He looks at us with a smile. I turn back to look at Jasper to find him smirking at me just loving my reaction. I hug and turn back to will getting to the real point we are here. "We need to borrow a hoodie for jasper none of his cover his face." I say pointing to it. "Yea no problem I got plenty" will says while be is digging through his closet. And when I say digging I mean DIGGING. The boy never cleans his closet.

You would think we have maids to do that and we do but mom and dad wanted us to have some normal "chores" so we all have to clean our closets. It's pathetic I know. Will finally comes out with a black hoodie that fits Jasper perfectly and covers just enough face not to be recognized.

This is why I love will he is always there. After James and Jasper shut me out I turned to will and drake for all my brotherly love. And they haven't let me down yet. I peaked over at will who was still looking through his closet he handed me my h red hoodie and started to bring out my bag that I always take out with me when I love the palace. I started to panic and flung my self on Jasper coughing uncontrollably.

While Jasper was Busy trying to make sure I don't fall I look at will and give him a firm shake of my head signaling him no. He looks at me In a surprised manor and eventually just shrugs and but the bag back. Once it's out of sight I stop coughing and look up at the man that's still holding me in his arms. My body pressed firmly against his. We stare intensely at each other for I don't know how long lost the the others eyes.

A brief cough snapped us out and we both turns to look at a will with one raised eyebrow. I know I looked like a tomato I was blushing so hard. I said my quick good byes to will and left his room knowing Jasper would follow. That's his job to follow me and care for me. But I can't help but think Maybe just Maybe the little boy who used to put flowers in my hair is still in there somewhere.

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Hey everyone I am so sorry if you find words misspelled or out of place or just look plane wrong in the story.

I DIDN'T HAVE A CHANCE TO EDIT THIS. I am really surprised I got it out this fast. But any ways enjoy I don't know when the next update will be but hopefully soon.

Until then look in to my new book obsession "Fire meet Ice" buy wynterofasgard

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