Chapter Five

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Hey so I am really sorry you guys for not updating quickly. But keep telling me I am have been busy lately. Sorry😳. Any way here is the next chapter hope you enjoy.
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"What was that?"


"It wasn't nothing. you got this freaked out look on you face like you did something I wouldn't approve of."

I look up and pout sarcastically. "I am sorry to say but my world doesn't revolve around your approval."

We where in the streets of Vosta and it's beautiful. The city is spotless. Not a speck of dust. Flowers were ever you turn. Homes are modern with a hint of a homie feel to them. Buildings are sky high in different shapes and sizes sparkling like crystals. The people are smiling and happy. I can see little children running and playing in the park and stopped for a moment just to stare. I remember how great it was to have peace and be so oblivious to what's really going on behind the smiles and relaxed behavior.

But when I finally stopped Jasper was right there. Grilling me about the bag that Will was tiring to give me. I guess I was less discrete than I thought about telling him to put it back. And now I have detective Jasper on my case.

This is stupid, why dose he even care it's none of his business anyway. Why dose he have to go snooping all in my stuff. I know it's his job to protect me but I can take care of my self. Me, my brothers and all of the bodyguards have training every day. And I always win my sparing matches. Emphasis on the ALWAYS.

Okay, okay maybe I am being a little over protective of the bag but it's not just any bag. It's my bag. It's not like I go snooping around in his stuff.

"Just drop it. lets go." I say. Jasper and I continue walking in silence which is odd for me. But I don't mind I have other things to think about. Soon we come up on the gates around Vosta. Where at east gate.

They stand tall and firm. Looking intimidating. I walk up slowly, as many times I go out of them I still have a since of fear. Like something will go wrong. I look up and see Greg standing tall on watch. When he sees me he automatically nods and opens the gates.

As we walk through I feel instant relief. But I am still a little nervous about were I am taking Jasper and how he will react.

Once out side the gates all you can see for miles is long blades of green grass, and wild flowers. I look over and see the confusion on Jaspers face. I start bust out laughing "you though I was going to the desert didn't you? How many time have I told you not to pre-judge. Besides I only go over there on Tuesdays." I say and he gives me a stern look.

"I am kidding" I say and his face starts to come out of its scrunched position. "Is what I would say if I was." I whisper quirky hoping he didn't hear. Which is stupid. Because it's so quiet out here I could even here the grad at the top of the gate cough, and it was nasty he should really get that checked.

As we start to walk towards the east he starts to ask questions like a seven year old on a road trip. You would think being 21 would stop his child mintality but nope its still there. "Are we there yet? Where are we going? If we are not there yet then how much longer is it going to take to get there? Why are we going there any way?"

I grunt at all his questions. "We will get there when we get there, and you will find out where we are going when we get there. It shouldn't be that much farther so stop acting like a seven year old and suck it up." That came out way harsher than i mean it too but it was the truth. "I am not acting like a seven year old" he says with a new glint in his eye."I am just curious. Just like you where curiouse when you cheeked me out in my room when you though i wasnt looking."

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