Chapter 5

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    The water was getting colder, and the big red letters disappeared, I found a number that was getting smaller by the second, it said DEPTH right above it. I didn't know what was going on until I reached the surface, then the word turned to HEIGHT. How did I reach the surface? I thought to myself, and I thought that I must be in a different dimension.
    The water was rising underneath me, I didn't know what was going on until I saw a geyser come out of nowhere. I figure came out of the water and landed straight back in the water, floating just below the surface. I stared at it carefully, and i saw the shining glimmer of it's lower half, "Rachel!??!" I had thought. I grabbed her hand and drove her to an island that was uninhabited. I pulled her ashore and surprisingly, her tail turned into two legs. I sat there waiting for her to wake up until someone had seen us, they thought I was a criminal that had killed Rachel, I told them that's not what happened, until they started to pull out a gun, with no defence, my only option was to hide Rachel and run. I got on the board, grabbed rachel and dove into the ocean, I was speeding away until ENEMY APPROACHING had appeared on my screen. I made sure I had a secure grip on rachel, and flew up and told the man that I wasn't a criminal. He was amazed and terrified at what he saw, and drove his boat away in terror. Flying back to the island, I was making makeshift tools for making a shelter for the time we'll be here. It was getting darker as Rachel had woken up.
    We had talked for a while, but when I fell asleep, I woke up of the cold. I took a look at what I was wearing, and I saw shreds of what I came here in. Rachel was busying herself, and I needed to find new clothing. With a stick I had, I flew into someone's open window very quietly. I was sneaking around when I found my sword hanging on the wall, in a glass case. I decided to grab some clothes, grab the sword and run. I was flying away when I heard a loud click. I looked behind me and saw a bullet coming straight at me. I was stuck in fear when the hoverboard had taken control and spun me around to dodge it. I had acted like it hit me, so I fell down to the water, and the man left me alone. When he left, I had gone back to the island. To my surprise, I saw two makeshift hammocks that Rachel made. I decided to check on her, and saw that the hammocks fold over you so you're protected from the elements.
    After a well deserved sleep, Rachel and I awoke from the shake of the ground. I assessed surroundings and saw flying robots that were holding atlantean guards. " They made it through the portal! But how?!!? I thought it collapsed after I came through!" Rachel screamed, through all the loud sounds and explosions. They had designed a trident that shot lasers from it's main point. The buildings were crashing and.... I saw the water bend to wash away the rubble. I was looking hard, but I couldn't find the old man Robert. So, I assumed that it was me. I concentrated and the wave moved forward and crushed the guards. I saw my bow in a crushed building, but I couldn't believe who I saw standing over it.
    King Brian and Robert were standing side by side. I saw an aura around Brian and it looked like he had fire around him. Same with Robert. They told me to surrender, but I flew higher into the sky until they said "That's it!" Brian came flying at me with what looked like fire coming out of his hands and shoes propelling him forward. Robert knew that I had been practicing since I left the old little shack and that I had found new abilities. Robert walked on the water and it bent at his will. Rachel saw what was going on and she had dove into the water to follow Robert. There was a massive battle between me, Robert, Brian, and their army. Brian had shot down my hoverboard and Robert had glowing, red eyes. I wondered if he was under control of Brian. Then I had realized that I was breathing under the water. Rachel had come up to me and was pulling me to the surface until I pushed her away. She questioned why, and I spoke underwater! I told her I would be back soon and that she should hide on our island. I don't know what got into me when a sphere of water had surrounded me, and the entire bay of water was in a sphere with me in the center, I could feel myself float up and used all my strength to use my powers and shoot the water sphere in every direction. Destroying the robots, and forcing the guards back into their own dimension. After the blast, everything had returned to normal, except for the citizen's homes. Rachel, Robert and the entire town was outside and were rebuilding their town and a home for us while we were there. When I awoke, everyone cheered and they started an annual festival for me. Robert had opened a portal to my home dimension, and as I walked through, Rachel came with me. When she jumped through, the portal immediately closed. Only Rachel and I know what happened on that fateful time. Everything has been a secret since.

How did you know that grandma?!?

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