Chapter 3

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I found myself on a little boat that did me no good, so I grabbed my hoverboard and risked it by standing on it over the water, and to my surprise, it floated nicely over the water. Sheets of magical metal wrapped around my feet so that I wouldn't fall off. I tediously leaned over the water and it started inching forward. I leaned a little more forward and it took off. Being so low that it was making a huge wake, I thought of flying higher and the board inched higher, but not much. I saw something move in the water and i flew closer to the water just enough to see the creature. It looked like a human on the top and a fish on the bottom. "Is that a mermaid??!?!?" I said in confusion. I wondered what would happen if I flew underwater. It was a hot day, so I decided to take a dip in. I was astonished that it worked underwater as well. I stood still, and the direction my feet were pointing was the direction I was headed. I saw that there was land arising and I instantly flew out and it switched to flight mode. I saw the mermaid go onto the beach and I flew up high so that it wouldn't see me. It heard me fly up and went underwater. I followed it until I saw the most marvelous sight, Atlantis, I must have stared at it for minutes. Then, I saw a group of strong mermen, each holding a spear, and another one on their backs.
I flew up on the hoverboard, then I was shocked in terror as it stalled, I fell at the fastest speed I have ever gone before. the engine turned on, but it was too late, I was already in the water as it activated and I headed toward Atlantis. I felt something crawl up my back and a helmet surrounded my head that came from the board. I couldn't see, but it showed a screen of what was in front of me. I thought it was a window until it showed a red blinky light saying WARNING: ENEMY PROJECTILE APPROACHING From my instinct, I decided to spin rapidly so that it would miss. It worked, but I was veering off course and heading towards the main building and jerked the board away from the wall only to find that I was next to the window with the entire Atlantian council staring at me. They all came chasing me and the King ordered me to stop. I reacted by flying straight up and hovering just out of their reach. The mask came off my face and I asked them why he wanted me to stop. He told me to come back down to the Council Building (A.K.A. the CB) for a meeting.
He eventually found out about, pretty much everything about me. I was transported with guards all around me to an empty room that was blue and had a wall made of one way glass. They brought in a chair and a computer. I had lost my phone in all the chaos, but I inserted a new software that I found in King Brian's house so that I can find it in any dimension. I sent an email to Grandpa and Grandma saying I would return shortly, hopefully. The princess came in the room and I found out that she was the one I was following. She let me out and she followed me to the surface. " Come with me if you would like to speak in private." She said. " I need to speak with you in private" So, I followed her to a cave that she had gone and put all her treasures in. she showed me her friends that stayed in the cave. I saw a penguin. I was surprised because the penguin was politely eating a fish. The penguin followed her everywhere but to Atlantis. Which was understandable. I heard a faint sound coming from the city, it sounded like an alarm, and I could make out few words it was saying. " Vigilante has escaped ---- in ---- homes, gua--- go -ind him!! I asked the Princess' name, she said Rachel. Or Mistress, but she wanted me to call her Rachel.
I said I had to go, but she quickly told me not to, I left anyway, and she went back towards Atlantis. I, on the other hand, went to the surface and started heading to Atlantis. I made one of the most dramatic entrances ever, by flying straight down and in the door of the CB, still floating over the ground. I grabbed my bow and asked the king if I could see him in private. He showed me to an island and I showed him my gear and said that I was no threat. He didn't believe me so I told him to tell his elite guards to attack me in the underwater colosseum. I used my sword and bow, I had defeated them all but the royal family thought I had killed them, until they all got up and slowly swam away. I was put in a different room from before and again, the princess broke me out. She told me that there was another human in this dimension, she gave me directions to his home and told me that he was an old, grumpy man. I decided to go in caution.
I flew there in about a half hour, but once I got halfway, one of those mario fish flew out of the water and almost ate me, I flew faster and higher away from the water. I found a small shack made of palm wood and thought that must be his place. Once I got near, a massive wave came at me. I flew backwards and it came at me. I stopped moving thinking the wave would go right through me, it didn't! I was surprised and thought it had to be magic. I grabbed my bow and shot it at the wave,It made a hole, but it filled back up quickly. I flew at it, it came at me, I shot and made it through. I found the old man's house and he hit me with a plank.

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