Im Sorry

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Not mine! Creds to owner :)

Harry walked into his small toasty flat and plopped down on the couch, feeling absolutely wrecked. He hasn't heard from Louis all day, as usual, and he was beginning to get a bit worried. He had went out for a nice long walk in hopes of seeing the boy when he arrived back to their home, but apparently, that wasn't the case.

Louis was out just walking around town. He didn't like to be around Harry much anymore, he was scared his feelings might show. He tries to be alone whenever he can, he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in-front of the one he loved.

Harry got up from the couch and let out an angry growl, knocking a vase off of their coffee table by accident. He let it fall to the cold, hardwood floor with a satisfying smash, his fists clenched in rage. He thought of Louis, the boy he had fallen hopelessly in love with and softened a minute before feeling angrier then before, knowing the boy didn't care for him anymore. If he did, he'd be home, tucked under his arm like they usually were. Not out god knows where, without him, like he had been for the past two months.

Louis decided it was probably time to go home. He scuffed his feet along the pavements until he arrived in front of his shared flat with Harry. Usually when Louis came home he rushed straight to him room avoiding the younger curly haired boy. He couldn't let Harry know about his feelings. He unlocked the door to their flat and walked inside closing the door behind him.

Inside of their flat, Harry was an angry, pissed off mess. He was now sat on the couch after successfully breaking a few more items, thankfully not important ones, the glass shards all scattered on the floor. The glass of one had left a deep cut on his arms, but right now, he paid no mind to the rose red blood trickling to his elbow.

"Where. The fuck. Were you?" Harry growled to the boy he had heard just enter the house.

"I-I was just walking around town." Louis said sitting on the sofa.

He noticed the blood dripping down Harry's arm, not wanting to leave him alone.

"I-is you arm okay?" Louis asked walking towards Harry.

Harry didn't turn to look at Louis, his whole body tensing as Louis sat next to him for the first time in God knows how long.

"Like you care." He muttered to himself, his voice coming out low and angry, when all he truly felt was hurt.

In all honesty, he didn't give a single fuck about his arm, even though the cut was pretty deep. It didn't hurt. Not as much as the pain of being ignored by Louis did.

"O-Of course I care Haz." Louis says looking to the floor.

He doesn't mean to ignore Harry it's just hard to hide his feelings.

"Lets get you cleaned up" Louis said walking to the kitchen motioning for Harry to follow.

"Now you want to talk to me?" He growled, finally turning to look at the boy standing in front of their kitchens doorway.

"Because you've totally been talking to me for the past few months, right?" He growled sarcastically, standing up, his whole body as stiff as a board.

To say he was angry was a complete understatement. He was furious.

"I-I'm sorry Haz I really I am." Louis whispered walking towards the boy.

Louis has had unexpected feelings for Harry for some time now, he doesn't want to make a fool of himself that's why he has been ignoring Harry. He knew Harry would never like him back.

"No, you're not fucking sorry! Do you know how upset I've been? You're my best friend, Louis! And you certainly haven't been acting like it! What changed, huh? Tell me, what changed? I've been doing nothing but trying to make you happy and be the best friend I can be, but all you've done is act as if I'm invisible in return! What the fuck did I do, Louis?" He asked, his voice raising a few notches, making him sound slightly scary.

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