Believe me yet?

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"You look gorgeous," Harry repeated for what felt like the millionth time that day. He and Louis had promised to be at Liam's today just to "hang," as Niall had so eloquently put it, but Louis just didn't seem to be content with whatever he was wearing—did Harry mention it was a pool party?

"No, I don't," Louis said, turning away from the mirror he had been staring at for a good ten minutes now. "They show off my huge, girly bum," he commented in regards to the swimming trunks he'd put on. "And my scrawny legs."

Harry grabbed Louis' hip pulling his boyfriend of two years' closer until they were touching from the waist down. "There are so many things wrong with that statement," Harry began. "For one thing, I happen to love your 'huge, girly bum'," he said, cupping Louis' arse as if to reinforce his words. "And your 'scrawny' yet beautiful legs."

Louis blushed slightly at the contact, but only slightly. He had become used to Harry's praise after, well, about a month of knowing him. He knew it was easier to just let it slide and move on, but he was having none of it today.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Styles," he muttered, purposefully letting his breath tickle Harry's neck. He felt Harry shiver, smirking inwardly as he remembered that he was the one that did that.

"Really, now?" Harry asked, his pupils noticeably dilating with lust. "So it does me no good to sit here and remind you how incredibly attractive you are?"

"None at all."

Louis wasn't completely loathsome of himself; he knew he was what some considered "good-looking." But that was as far as his self-praise went. He was decent, he guessed, and never thought anything more of himself.

"And you're sure about that?" Harry asked, biting his lip. Louis got lost in his nearly-black eyes, feeling his own go a similar shade. He licked his lips subconciously, suddenly very aware of the tightness in his pants.

"Y-yes," Louis mumbled, though it was weak. Harry placed his hand on the back of Louis' neck, pulling his face closer until it was mere inches from his. He leaned forward until his lips were grazing Louis' ear, whispering, "Then I guess I have to find another way to show you."

Louis didn't have time to reply as he felt Harry's erection pressed into his thigh, and his knees turned to jelly. Harry pressed his lips to Louis', his tongue quickly finding its way into Louis mouth. Louis soon found their tongues tangling together in the most beautiful of ways.

Harry removed his lips from Louis', mouthing at his collarbone. He continued lower, grateful that Louis was already shirtless. He brought his lips to his chest, sucking one of Louis' nipples into his mouth. He heard Louis moan a deep, guttural noise. He took that as encouragement, sucking harder.

"Harry," Louis muttered, his breathing ragged. Harry took a glance at Louis' face, noticing how his lips were parted, his head thrown backward. He grew harder—if possible—at the sight.

He removed his mouth—but not without a whine from Louis—and instead sunk even lower, threading his hands under the stretchy material of Louis' trunks.

"Please." It came out as more of a whimper or plea than a statement. But Louis didn't care; all that mattered right now was HarryHarryHarry.

Harry removed Louis' bottoms with one swift motion, discarding them somewhere on the floor. Since no underwear was needed with the trunks, Louis was now completely naked and writhing in front of Harry.

"Please," Louis said again, more desperation in his voice than before. He gently palmed Harry through his shorts, tracing the outline of his length through the fabric. A light moan escaped Harry's lips.

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