Chapter 24

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Maya POV

I was sleeping at home on Saturday night when I hear pebbles hitting my window. I walk over to the window where I see Lucas sitting on the fire escape.

"Why did you throw pebbles when you're right there?" I ask.

"I don't know, its a classic move." He smiles and I laugh.

"Why are you here?"

"Its nice out, lets go for a walk." Lucas smiles his (of course) perfect smile and I shut the window. I quickly change into black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a leather jacket. I quickly throw my hair in a pony tail and combat boots and go outside. Lucas is waiting outside, leaning against a tree.

"That was quick." He smiles.

"Hey who says I'm trying." I smirk and walk in the direction of Riley's house.

"Uh Maya, lets go a different way." Lucas guides me in the opposite direction.

"Why? Don't we have to go get Riley?" I ask, confused. He gives me a look and I understand. "Oh, okay sure."  We start to walk. We talk and laugh for a bit. 

"So whats with you and beating people up?" Lucas asks with a smile.

"I don't know. Whats with you and being all goody?" I step over a puddle. 

"You know better than anyone, that I'm not." I smile and keep walking. 

"Whatever you say, hop-a-long." He stops walking. "Hop-a-long?" I turn towards him. He's looking straight ahead his mouth open a little. I look where he is looking and see Ashley walking towards us. Bradley is walking next to her and in front is another girl who is wearing the shortest shorts I have ever seen. Her crop top was basically see through. I gag and look away. 

"Hey." The girl looks at Lucas.

"Hey Sammi." Lucas looks away.

"You know her?" I ask. I don't like the way shes looking at him.

"We met once." He rolls his eyes. Ashley steps in front of her.

"Hey Luc." She smiles. i tune out their conversation and smile at Bradley.


"Hey." That's about as far as we got conversation wise. After a minute Lucas grabs my hand and mumbles a quick goodbye before walking off.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing, they just are so clingy." He shudders. I laugh. We start walking off again before we soon get to a bookstore that I absolutely adore.

"Who knew that Maya Hart liked books." Lucas laughs as he looks around the store. 

"This store is where I get most of my books in the mini library that is my tiny shack." I point to a bargain bin. "And there we go." 

"Maya!" I turn and see the owner of the store Mrs. Alexander. 

"Hi Mrs. Alexander." I smile and give her a hug.

"Who is this handsome young man?" Lucas smiles.

"This is my friend Lucas. Lucas this is Mrs. Alexander." She smiles.

"Friends?" She gestures to your hands which are still interlocked. I blush and quickly pull away.

"Uh, you mind if I take a look around?" Lucas asks awkwardly.

"Oh yes, go ahead, young man." Sharon (Mrs. Alexander) says. He smiles and walks into a aisle of books. Sharon leads me over to a seat. 

"So how are you doing sweetie?" Sharon holds both of my hands.

"I'm still alive, breathing. No surprises yet." I smile. 

"Good, good." She nods. "Now... what about Mr. Perfect over there?" She looks at him over my shoulder.

"There's nothing to say." I frown a little. "Hes got a thing with Riley and-"

"Oh nonsense." She frowns. "I can tell by..." She trails off as Lucas walks up. I stand and thank Sharon and we leave.

"She seems nice." Lucas says of Sharon.

"Yeah shes like a female version of Shawn." I get a text and I look at my phone. I widen my eyes and stop walking.

"Whats wrong, Hart?"

"Shawn's home." I can barely get the words out before I start running. I haven't seen Shawn in two months because he was in California. I couldn't wait to see him!! I race into Riley's apartment and into Shawn's arms.

"Hey! Maya!" He laughs.

"Whats up Shawn? How was California? More importantly, what did ya get me?" Shawn laughs.

"I missed you kiddo." He takes a small package out of his pocket. He gives it to me and I open it. Its a charm bracelet with the word Believe engraved into it. Shawn puts it on my wrist and I give him a hug. Lucas coughs behind me. I look up and see Josh standing there.



Hey fam

Sorry this chapter took so long, I wanted to make it a little longer without being boring. Which I most likely did not succeed in doing. I wanted it to be a little like the show but idk. If it need some chapter boos. ;)

love yall! comment, vote , and all that jazz lygsm ;)


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