Chapter 25

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Maya POV

"Hey Maya." Josh says smoothly. I look him in the eyes, daring him to say anything.

"Well." Shawn stands up. "I'm going to take Miss Maya here out for dinner. Anyone interested in going?" Josh immediately stands up, still looking me in the eyes.

"I will." He says. I frown. Lucas suddenly stands up.

"Me too." He grabs my hand. I blush. This time Josh frowns. Shawn looks at our hands.

"I didn't know you two were a thing." He says.

"I didn't either." I hear Riley from the doorway. I close my eyes and turn around.

"...Hey....Riley.." I say awkwardly. Lucas pulls me into Riley's room and Riley follows. We all sit on the bay window. Lucas is the middle.

"Is this really happening? Are you really..?" Riley asks. Lucas looks at me and I look at the ground. Lucas finally replies.

"No.." Lucas stammers.  Riley raises her eyebrows.

"Then why are you still holding hands?" Lucas and I both look at our intertwined hands and pull away. Riley glares at me. I get this little fire inside, telling me that this was screwed up. I stand up.

"Listen if you want Lucas, like you get everything fine. Go for it. Its not like Mr.Perfects are for people like me right? I mean you said so yourself." I walk out of the room. I run down into the living room. Lucas catches up to me.

"Maya." He calls. I don't stop. "Maya!" He grabs my arm and holds my shoulders. Mr and Mrs. Matthews, Josh, Shawn, everyone is watching us. Lucas makes me look him in the eye. 

"Maya." He says softly. My anger dissolves and I start to cry. Riley is walking into the room but I don't see it. I only see a fuzzy Lucas.

"I don't deserve you Lucas." I say between tears. "You're Mr. Perfect and I'm the complete opposite."

"That's what you really think?" Lucas laughs softly. "Maya, you're forgetting about Texas Lucas. And either way I really like you Maya." He leans in and kisses me. I smile and break away.

"Aww." Mrs. Matthews smiles. Josh frowns and leaves. Shawn comes up to me and gives me a hug. He whispers in my ear. 

"I got a picture of that by the way." I laugh. Lucas gives me a tissue and I wipe away the tears on my face.

"Where's Riley?" I suddenly ask. Nobody knows. A feeling of dread settles in my stomach. I run into her room. Nowhere. I run outside. Its cold but I barely feel it. Lucas runs outside and puts his jacket over my shoulders.

"Maya, its cold outside, you need a jacket." 

"I have to find her." I say. "She's out there thinking I hate her. I have to find her." Lucas practically drags me inside.

"Maya, its dark and cold, at least take a flashlight and jacket." Lucas asks. Without a word, I grab my jacket and a flashlight and a bag of hand warmers from the counter and run back outside. Riley would not last long by herself. She could get hurt..mugged..or worse. I shut out those thoughts and keep on running. 


Hey cuties!

Two chapters in one day omg :) This one was pretty damn twisty... I hope so anyways. I hope you guys liked! If not keep it to yaself ;) jkjk but SERIOUSLY I WANNA KNOW WHAT YA THINK

okay also

should i  just make a second book? I feel like this might be too many chapters but like if you guys like it all in one thats cool too but jw :)

okay for real though

byeee ;*

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