twenty four ✎ twenty relevant questions & discoveries

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+ harry

i love you, it's all i do,

By our second break, I met Zayn in the teacher's lounge again.

"Hi," I smiled sheepishly, and opened the fridge, pulling my salad out. "Today's going by well, yeah?"

Zayn watched me with an evident smile on his face, but I almost read his emotions as a smirk. Zayn was mysterious, and I loved this about him. "Today has been a lovely day," He said. "Like every other day, as I get to spend each and every day with you, my love."

I blushed, and sat down across from him. "So, any interesting words today?"

Zayn chuckled. "Here's a good one," He spoke. "Redamancy, Noun. The act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full,"

I nodded. "I like that one,"

"I think it's my new favourite word ever to exist," Zayn spoke, crossing one leg over the other, and leaning closer to me.

"And why is that?" I asked, pouring my salad dressing into my salad, then closing the container to shake it.

"Because.. I love love," He paused, and laughed. "I hope that makes sense,"

I opened my salad. "Of course it makes sense.. You love the emotion, the intimacy, the idea of one loving you back? You love love,"

Zayn sighed. "That. Now what you just said, that was absolutely erotic,"

I blushed. "Pardon me?"

"Erotic is a synonym for the word 'hot'.. I don't really like that word, it's very unprofessional.. I prefer to use something a little more.. I don't know, attracting?" Zayn laughed. "I don't know why I'm nervous, why am I so nervous right now?"

I stuck my fork into my salad. "Why are you?"

Zayn ran his fingers through his perfectly combed hair, and blushed. Looking right at me. "I think it's you Harry," He said. "You have a very pleasing effect on me,"

"Pleasing? You like being nervous?"

"I mean," Zayn started. "Pleasing? Maybe I could re word that my love.. You have a compelling effect on me,"

"Thank you?" I had a bite of my salad.

Zayn was drinking water.

"No coffee today?" I asked.

"I don't need any.. I'm well aware and awake.. Your beauty keeps me aware," He smiled, and took a sip like it was nothing to have something clever to say every second.

I raised my eyebrows. "Thank you again," I giggled.

"You're utterly adorable, my love." Zayn told me.

"Thank you again, again."

"You see what I mean? You're absolutely adorable," Zayn grabbed my free hand, and padded his thumb across my palm. "And I, just cannot get enough of you,"

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