thirty two ✎ you are my utopia & little package

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+ harry

❝if you like having secret little rendez-vous,❞

Zayn pressed his lips against mine, and all I could feel was his smile. He couldn't stop smiling after we had finally passed the step of intimacy, and somehow he was always smiling.

I don't know how he managed.

He pulled me closer to him, by tugging at my shirt and pressing me against his chest. I loved being like this with Zayn. I loved being close, I loved to feel him on my skin.

Zayn trailed his hand over the buttons on my shirt, and unbuttoned them slowly one by one.

"Zayn," I pushed back with a giggle, quickly buttoning them back. "We're in your classroom,"

Zayn took a breath, and kissed my lips again. "Sorry," He blushed, kissing me again, harder.

"Zayn," I stopped him. "Calm down,"

He immediately stepped away. "I'm so sorry.." He said quickly. "I was abruptly overcome with emotion to be intimate," He blushed at his words, and apologized again. "I promise, I love you for you who are not for.." He looked me up and down. "I'm not going to ask you for strong, moving affection.."

I giggled again at his word choice. "I love you,"

Zayn continued. "I profoundly ask for acceptance of my apologies,"

I shot him a confused look. "Pardon me?"

"Yuanfen," He said with a smile. Whatever language he was speaking, he had a perfect accent. "Noun. A relationship by fate or destiny; the binding force between two people," Zayn look my hand and kissed my knuckles, each one by one.

"Zayn, it's okay." 

"I am deeply sorry, for forcing you into something that was clear to me that you didn't want to start," Zayn didn't stop, he kissed my clothed arm, and this sent a shiver down my spine.

Without thinking, I pulled him inwards by the bottom of his shirt, and pressed my lips against his.

"I am in love with you Zayn Malik," I breathed. "I am so in love with you, I am so overcome with emotion of how much I love you, Zayn you have absolutely no idea,"

Zayn just smirked. "Well my love," He began with a huge smile. "What you don't understand is that I feel the exact same way." He took a breath. "You are my Utopia," 

I blushed. "No I'm not,"

"You are my absolute dreamland, you are my bliss, my heaven, my paradise, you are all of the above you are my infinite everything, and I will love you even when I'm dead," Zayn didn't want to stop, he loved making these speeches, and I loved hearing them.

"You are my everything Harry," He said. "You are everything I've ever dreamed of, you are my complete xanadu," 

My cheeks flushed red completely, and I felt like crying. Zayn was everything I had ever dreamed of. Zayn was more. "I don't even know what to say,"

Zayn shushed me gently. "There's nothing to be said," He kissed my forehead, and smiled at me. "As you can probably tell, I'm completely overcome with the love that came with our little package,"

"Our little package?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Our little package," Zayn confirmed. "The package I ordered, but it never came until you kissed me. I ordered it the first day I met you, and it took months to get here!" Zayn laughed. "The package included: unlimited kisses, affection, smiles, infinite paradise,"

"I like that package.." I giggled. "Infact, that sounds familiar! I think I ordered the same one on the same day that you did!"

"You ordered it to?!" Zayn asked, laughing.

"Mine took months to get here too," I huffed. "I wish it came sooner,"

Zayn squeezed my shoulder. "At least it's here now,"

And then the bell rang. Our moment was over.

Zayn gave me a quick kiss before opening his door to let his students in. 

The students smirked, whispered and giggled after having seen me in here, with the door closed.

They waved at me like it was nothing, and I couldn't stop blushing.

I cleared my throat and smiled at Zayn. "Well Mr Malik," I began with a smirk. "I guess I'll see you later? To catch up, marks, conferences?"

Zayn played along and made his way to his desk, where I was. He put his glasses on, and pushed them up. "Of course Mr Styles," He walked in front of his desk, and watched me walk to the door.

"Goodbye Mr Malik," I smirked.

Zayn waved with a giddy smile, and as soon as I closed the door, the first thing I heard was an eruption of squeals and laughs.

"It's real, I swear!" I heard someone yell, which made everyone even more giddy.

I blushed, going back to my class to see my senior class, putting their instruments together, with no sound.

"Hi," I smiled, and they looked up at me and waved, some even mumbled 'Hi' back. "Everything okay?" I asked, and they ignored.

By the time everyone had sat down, the began practising while waiting for me to prepare. "Everything alright? Seriously?"

Harper giggled a little, and Tilly couldn't help herself. "We heard about you and Mr Malik!!"

Everyone immediately began yelling.

"Guys, guys.." I blushed, trying to calm them down. When they did, I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off.

Perrie (Miss Edwards) and Leigh (Miss Pinnock) were stood at our door. "Do you have a moment?" Leigh asked me, with a soft almost sympathetic smile.

"Of course, come in," I grinned. 

"Sorry to interrupt on such short notice," Perrie began. "But we've received some news, that we thought we'd share.." Her voice trailed off, and she pursed her lips.

"This news will probably have an impact on all of you, so we suggest everyone is listening carefully," Leigh nodded slowly.

The class, and I nodded in agreement.

I assume they didn't have any other way to come out and say it, because I wouldn't have either.

"Addison passed away,"

*:・゚✧ author's note *:・゚✧

Hi guys, before you yell at me I want to state somethings.

It's been a while and I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't sick I didn't explain it quite well in my last author's note, but kind of what happened was I was having a terrible week. I (I guess you could say) ruined a friendship that was really important to me, which made me pretty sad for a little while. Thankfully, and luckily the problems were resolved and me and the person are fortunately closer than ever, (really long story) but the person means so much to me I somehow isolated myself..

Anyways, I'm much better now, thank you for your kind comments. I really love you guys.

Okay, now you can yell at me. I'm ready for everyoNE TO LIKE SOMEHOW TRY TO KILL ME


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