Chp 4

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It's been four days since I saw Rose. After kissing Rose, I searched for Trisha and escorted them home. Little shy Rose hardly uttered a word. Rose, my sweet, exotic rose.

"Boss your brother just got shot." Tyrone, my right-hand man, just reported to me.

"Where is he now?"

"At the hospital, the bullet grazed his shoulder. Word on the street says that a member Skeleton town gang tried to kill Joshua." Orlando, the gang leader of skeleton town gang, is trying to start an all-out gang war.

I changed my clothes and head to the hospital with Tyrone. I checked in with the nurse at the front desk and found out the Joshua will be released the next day, thank God. I went to the waiting room to wait for any changes when I saw the last person I expected to see at one o'clock in the morning. Rose.

Rose has on an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, crying by herself. Why is she here? I walked up and held her hands, Rose was surprised but recognized me.

"Jayvon?" she whispered. Rose wrapped her arms around my waist and cried into my chest.

"Shhh. Rose, what happened? Why are you here?"

"It's Trisha. I found her drugged and half-naked in her apartment. She was unconscious, I don't know what happened."

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