plotting and betrayal

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“ Your Highness?”.

Agave turned to see her faithful maid Alexandria looking at her with a worried expression. She frowned at her and asked “Yes Alexandria? Any news?”

Alexandria swallowed her fear as she cursed herself for even coming to tell her this. She was going to be angry and bring down Tartarus on everyone now. In the modern parlance, she was screwed.’ Princess, there seems to be a rift in the power balance. A new power is pulsing in the human realm.”

Agave rolled her eyes “ It must be one of the gods again. I really do wonder whether they can keep their hands off human women ever. Did you have to interrupt me for this?”.

Alexandria shook her head “ No Princess. This power is different. Malevolent, dark …vengeful”. The powers are yet raw and untested I feel but if in the wrong hands it could destroy the world two times over”.

Agave frowned as she thought over this disturbing fact “Have you zeroed in on the person yet?”.

‘ No ma’am. But it comes from the East Coast of USA. That’s all I can tell you right now, I’m sorry.”

Agave said “Find out who it is .It may be still a god but if it isn’t persuade him to join our cause … or kill them.”

Alexandria bowed her head and left the room.

Agave sat down on her throne and tapped her fingers as she thought about this new powerful being. This being could be her way to finally complete her mission. She looked around at her father’s ruined palace and remembered the fateful day her father called her and her sisters to the courtroom.

‘ Father, what is it? Why do you look so worried?”. Agave said worriedly at the haggard look on the normally cheerful Danaus’s face.

Danaus let out a breath and said ‘Believe me, my angeloúdia mou. My darling daughters, I will do anything to protect you from this fate which has been forced on you”.

Agave was puzzled at his dire tone “ We are marrying the sons of Aegyptus. Their reputation precedes them as honourable men who will fulfil their marital obligations sire. I do not understand why this is a terrible fate. After all, it is the destiny of a woman to marry and produce heirs .”

Danaus shouted “No! I will not let you marry the fifty vile sons of my dear brother.” He spat the last word as if he spoke of excreta.

Hypermnestra said “So what shall we do? We need them to protect the walls of our kingdom and Aegyptus will not agree to send his sons unless they marry us’.

Danaus smirked as a plan started to take form in his head ‘Don’t worry on that. I am going to protect our kingdom and you . I have thought of something. But let me rest now, I will tell you of my idea at dawn”.

Agave gripped her throne as pain racked her heart as she thought of the events that unfolded after that and the punishment her sisters and she had to endure for something they thought was justified. She called out to a messenger and said “ Bring my sisters to me . Now”.

The messenger cringed but said nothing.

Agave made a sound of irritation . Her sisters needed to use their energy on something else other than drinking and gambling.’ I don’t care where you find them and how you find them but I want them here now”.

Tara was reading peacefully in the library when a hurricane in form of a feminine form struck her and knocked backwards onto the floor.

“Oh God Tara I just had the most amazing weekend ever! It even beat Memorial Day fireworks! Jean Claude was such a sweetheart. Every night we dined at such cute French restaurants and dessert was always at the top of Eiffel Tower. He was so sweet and sensitive and-

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