Chapter 1

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 Hello everyone, my name is (Y / N) Snart, yep, the younger sister of Lisa and Leonard, better known as Captain Cold  and Golden Glider, do not judge if you do not know, They really are good people.
What I do? Well, I'm your sister, I hear Lisa and give advice, we have our evenings girls occasionally, with Leonard I usually practice my fighting skills, watch movies, I usually go out with him if he is overprotective, even so I love it.
 Most just think that Leonard only has one sister, probably because I have no background, I never had problems with the law as my older brothers, but no matter, that does not mean they do not help when they are in trouble, this time that Leonard Mick and Rory were captured after a fight whit Flash with the intention of being sent to Iron Heights was no exception, i help Lisa that time.
 Leonard warned me about Flash, the fastest man alive in the world, often tried to trick you into revealing his identity and  never told me, then i stop insisting, he is a man of his word.
 I'm proud of him, you know? Yes, I know that sounds bad but put yourself in my place, the basically raised me, always believed in me and was there taking care of me when I needed it.
But my routine changed that day, I was coming home, all was quiet, very rare, was the feeling that someone was watching me, I decided to follow  my instincts and quickly caught me on guard, I comes to the salon, where I saw Lisa on the floor with some blood on his forehead when a hand pulled me back, I fought the best I could, the man was good, but not enough, but when I saw my dad totally stand there in shock, what which caused a heavy blow received, the last thing I saw before everything was black was put my father taking my brother in a car


HOW ARE YOU ? Like history ?  
What would do Lisa and (Y/N)?
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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