The Ultimate Alpha Bitch Chapter 3

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“Wake up Birthday Girl” Mum said as she opened the blinds, letting in the light.

“No. Like you said it’s my birthday, getting up early should be a crime.” I grumbled as I dug my head further into the pillows.

“Well if you don’t get up, you don’t get any of my waffles.” She said as she headed down stairs.

“Alright were coming” Mum made the best waffles and on special occasions she let us have ice-cream, melted chocolate and fresh strawberries on top.

At the mention of the world famous waffles Tara, Lilly and I fought to get out of bed; arms and legs twisted in our race to the kitchen.

Seeing an opening, I pushed Lilly’s face into the bed and sprang for the door. Tara right on my heals, I knew sneaky tactics were needed. Turning the corner at the bottom of the stairs, I put my foot out. Tara came running, tripped and skidded across the floor. Luck werewolves are made of tough stuff otherwise we might have killed each other long ago. Pushing herself off the floor Tara spotted me and glared.

Taking advantage of the momentary pause Lilly came from nowhere, leaped over my foot, ran through the lounge room and made it to the kitchen before we had a chance to move.

Walking to the kitchen we saw Lilly dancing and singing, enjoying her small victory. Regrettably her victory meant Tara and I had to suffer.  The winner can make the losers do anything she wants and you can only use it once. It being my birthday and all I’m a bit scared at what Lilly will get me to do.

 “I win, I win, I win. And guess what?...... I win.”  Turning  to face us an evil smirk appeared across her face.

“Remember BBF here please be nice.” I begged

“Oh I will,……I’ll be real nice”

After we finished eating, it was gift time. I never really cared about the gifts themselves but ripping the paper was the thing I most enjoyed about birthdays and Christmas.

 Opening the gift Mum and Dad, I was shocked to see they got me a new laptop and $200.

The next gift was in a small box, it was from Tara. Opening it revealed a new white gold ring with black stones. Unfortunately the myth about werewolves being allergic to silver is true. You can get heaps of stunning blingage in silver and all I can do is stare longingly through the glass case.

Lily got me certificate for JB HiFi and last but not least Deon.

He strode forward placed the decent size box in front of me. Tearing through the paper I saw the most beautiful thing in the world, my very own digital camera.

This is the best present anyone has ever gotten me. Since I was fifteen I’ve loved taking photos, of people, animals and scenery; basically whatever caught my interest, but this is the first time I have ever had my own camera. Eyes start watering so when I looked up at Deon all I can see is his a blurry smile.

 Not able to resist I jump up into his arms and squeezed him until my arms started to ache.

After hugging, kissing and thanking everyone for their gifts, it was time to get ready for the grand party the parentals have planned at pack hall, where all major functions and pack business is held.

It’s an exciting and nerve racking event, all pack members gather to celebrate the Alpha’s and his offspring’s monumental occasions. The first half of the night is what I dread, having to dress up and be paraded in front of the pack for inspection. Being of mating age this party is essentially for young males to assess me to see whether I’d be good breeding material.

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