The Ultimate Alpha Bitch Chapter 5

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The smell of blood brought the wolf to the surface and by its potency there is a lot.

“Stay here; I’ll go check it out.” Adam demanded

“No, I’m going whether you like it or not and just because I said yes to you doesn’t mean you control me.” I yelled at him.

Stalking off to follow the scent, it didn’t take long before a stunned Adam came after me. A woman must of never have spoken to him like that before, the thought almost made me laugh but I refrained as I was still mad at him.

It didn’t take long to reach the source of the blood.


On the ground before me was a dark grey wolf lying in a pool of its own blood. Its throat was missing, there were dozens of lacerations but the most disturbing sight was of the huge hole where the stomach should have been. 

Suddenly the scent registered with me. No wonder it was so familiar; he was part of our pack.  I walked around the area trying to catch any other scents besides blood, the body and the woods but nothing stood out.

“Are you alright” Adam asked concern filled his voice.

“I’m fine but I don’t think he is.”

“Come on, we need to tell your dad.” Adam through an arm across my shoulders and led me back towards pack hall.

Making our way through the crowed we finally reached Alpha Armstrong.

“Alpha…..there is a situation we need to discuss, it’s important.” Adam said to my father in an urgent tone.

“Yeah I can tell. I can smell you all over my daughter.”

“Dad, that can wait but we need to talk to you privately.”

“Alright lets go to the office.” He said leading us there.

“Alright what is more important than my daughter getting to close to a male that hasn’t asked my permission to see her?” He asked in a stern voice.

“Alpha Armstrong, Gary Chambers is dead.” Adam said.

“Well that wasn’t what I expected…..Show me.”

Dad called Adam’s dad Heath; our Beta. When he arrived we all headed out to the site.

Dad sighed and became sombre as he studied the scene.

“Looks like a werewolf attack, but there is no other scent.” Dad said

“It’s not possible, but I can’t smell another wolf. He certainly didn’t kill himself. What about the stomach wound?” Heath asked confused.

“Probably natural scavengers ate the stomach…. This is strange but we can’t do anything at the moment.  Heath get a car and some help, wrap the body up and put him in the shed for now. I’ll tell the family and help organise the funeral.”

Heath left. Dad, Adam and I bowed our heads and gave Gary a minute silence as a show of respect for our lost pack mate. We decide the party was over and everyone headed home. Dad ordered us to meet him tomorrow to discuss our relationship and headed to the Chamber residence to inform them of the tragic news. And Adam like a gentleman  walked me home, with one quick kiss he turned and left.

Even though it’s been a trying day, all I could think about was his fine ass as he walked away.

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