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Hey guys!! Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's reading this!!

Ch 3: Reactions (edited)


Pansy was mad, scratch that, she was absolutely and positively pissed. Not only did she miss her chance with Draco, but the Mudblood had swooped in and stolen her kiss. Pulling out her wand, she hexed the Slytherin common room, which was now empty.

So much time, effort, and thought went into her plan, for nothing.

She growled in frustration. "Reducto!"


Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table in the great hall, ignoring the weird looks.

Yes she had kissed Draco Malfoy, but only to get to class on time. That's what she summed it up to at least. And if people weren't bright enough to understand that, then there was nothing she could do.

Ginny, who sat across from her kept giving her 'subtle' glances for the last ten minutes, and Hermione had had enough. She didn't need her best friend making a big deal out of the incident either.

"Alright Ginny spit it out!"

The girl wasted no time, "You kissed Malfoy?"

"Yes."  Hermione answered.


"Your brother's idiotic new contraption trapped us, and I was going to be late for class."

Ginny paused for a second to think. "Was he any good?"

At this point, Hermione couldn't help the tint of red that colored her cheeks.

"I don't know it was only for a second." Hermione said quietly.

"Would you do it again?" The red head replied.


"What? I would, if I didn't have Harry." she looked left and right to make sure no one was listening then whispered,

"He is one handsome beast, and if the rumors about what he could do in the sack are true, I definitely would put the head rooms to good use."

"Merlin Ginny, you're worse than a teenage boy!" Hermione's voice came out muffled because she had buried her head in her arms. She had forgotten all about the fact that they shared a common room. Sooner or later she would have to see him, and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

The Weasley just chuckled.

"Hello Hermione!" A dreamy voice announced, sitting down next to her. Luna had joined them, and judging by the devious look behind her eyes, Hermione doubted this conversation would be pleasant. Hermione looked up and wondered what she did to deserve this.

Oh yeah she kissed Malfoy.

"I just knew you and Draco would get together." Said the barefooted blonde.

Hermione, who knew better than correct Luna asked, "How?"

"Because of the Lusting Luddles of course."

Ginny and Hermione shared a look.

"A Lusting Luddle?" Ginny asked

"Yes! They're large invisible creatures who cause unneeded sexual tension between two people; they don't leave until their victims' hormones go out of control. You've never heard of them?"

Hermione dropped her head back down, while Ginny let out an amused laugh. Luna, who thought Hermione, was upset about the effect of the Luddle continued,

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