Pansy's Punishment

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Ch 9: Pansy's Punishment


Pansy walked down the corridor as if she owned it. She held her nose in the air and glared at anyone who looked at her wrong. Beside her, Daphne Greengrass walked, talking about nothing in particular. The two girls had just come back from divination, and were now loitering in the same hallway Pansy had tried to trap Draco.

The uneasy feeling in her stomach had come back, but it was dull and easy to ignore. As the two girls talked, Pansy noticed Draco leaning up against the wall starring off into space. She stared at him longer than she should have, but he didn't seem to care. He was too lost in thought. A spark of pink light caught her eye as it soaked on the floor. Pansy's eyes widened in delight.

'This is it!' she thought. Somehow the gods were in her favor. She didn't know how or why but she didn't think to question it. Why would she. She was going to get a second chance at her plan. Everything slowly started falling into place. Or so she thought.

"Hey Daph I'll be right back," she told the girl next to her, making her way to Draco. She boldly passed the pink circled line, a smile on her face.

That smile vanished when she saw who was really in the circle, Hermione's enchantment from the night before, falling as the pink circle flew up.

Pansy gagged as Filch held Miss Noris in his arms.

He gave her a confused look. "What do you want girl!" he huffed, his slimy brown hair falling down to cover part of his face.

"No no no," pansy whispered hoping that this was a horrible nightmare. She pinched herself just make sure. "No!" She yelled running into the pink force field only to be nocked back.

Students came from different corriders, laughing as they saw Pansy's misfortune. They circled around her knowing there was only one way to escape. In the air, Peeves flew singing:

"Pugnose kissy kissy
Filch who's icky icky"

Pansy fumed at the poltergeist who started making kissing sounds down the halls, causing more students to appear, along with McGonagall.

The head mistress came to see what had caused such a ruckus in her school. She gasped in surprise when she saw Pansy Parkinson's predicament.

"Professor help me!" The girl shrieked, while the students around her chanted "kiss!"

McGonagall was shocked to see another one of her students trapped in the ridiculous Weasley trap. She wasn't sure how she would take it down but she tried anyway. She raised her arms, her wand flicking back and forth as she muttered a basic spell that would break down enchantments. The pink circle didn't wavier.

Hermione stood among the crowd to stunned to speak. Draco was evil. No one deserved that fate, not even Pansy. A small smile graced as her lips. It was quite amusing though.

"What do you think? Brilliant right?" He asked from behind her. She nodded her head giggling as she watched Pansy look at Filch with disgust.

"She has the same look I had when I figured out I had to kiss you." Hermione spoke, giving Draco a cheeky grin.

Malfoy scoffed "Oh little miss Granger has jokes does she? I didn't see that look when I kissed you in the common room the other night." He shot back, causing her to blush. She looked away from the chuckling blonde and back to the Slytherin stuck in the circle. Their eyes met and suddenly Pansy became red.

"You! You did this!' She fumed point ing her finger at Hermione. All eyes turned toward her, but Hermione didn't even blink. In fact she looked at Pansy with an innocent expression.


"Yes you! I don't know how you did this, but this is your fault! Let me out of here now!" Pansy growled hitting the pink force field

"What are you talking about? You're the one who walked into the enchantment." Hermione replied.

"Don't act dumb with me mud-" Pansy stopped herself. "Granger! You set this up!"

"Honestly Parkinson don't be childish. Why would I do a thing like that?"

Pansy's face turned red with anger.

"Let me out you filthy little sneak." Hermione glared, taking back her earlier thought. Pansy defiantly deserved this. With a quick eye roll Hermione turned around and walked away, ignoring the brunette who was screaming behind her.


Filtch, who stood a ways away, watched with wide eyes he had finally realized that he was trapped in a Weasleys' product he had banned. 'Ah those damn Weasleys! Messin with me again and they ain't even here!' He thought as the girl in front of him continued hitting the pink barrier.

Poor Filtch 😂 I kind of feel bad for him.

Anyway vote/comment let me know what you think. 😊

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