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Hermione always thought that the girl in muggle movies were dramatic when getting ready for their first date. But when Saturday came by faster than she thought it would, Hermione found herself in the same situation. She had a closet full of casual clothes but none of them were good enough. She couldn't find anything that matched, and her hair refused to cooperate. All in all it was a very stressful morning.

She nearly cried for joy when Ginny walked into her room, to help her.

"Oh Gin your a life saver." She cheered, causing her best friend to laugh. In her hand was a bottle of
Sleekeazy's Hair Potion.

"I know," was her reply, as she handed the bottle to Hermione. "Now then let's make this a date that the ferret will never forget."

"Its suppose to be casual." Hermione told the redhead who was looking around Hermione's closet. Ginny gave a slight nod.

As Ginny did that, Hermione wasted no time. She ran to the bathroom to start on her hair. Merlin knows how long it will take her to tame her wild curls.


Draco waited in the dungeon at the Slytherin common room to give Hermione time to get ready. He was nervous, but he couldn't understand why. He had been on countless dates before, but this one was different. Just thinking about the upcoming date made his heart pound. He was really in love with this girl and it scared him. Not only because of how easily she could influence him if she wanted too, but also because of his family.

He knew what the consequences would be when his family found out, but a part of him couldn't care less. In fact he almost wanted to rub it in his fathers face, that he would be with who he wanted to be with, and Lucius had no say, as he rotted in Azkaban.

Glancing at the clock he realized he still had three hours to wait, so he relaxed into the couch, closed his eyes, and contemplated more about his life.


At seven o'clock Ginny had finally finished. She smile at her work then pushed Hermione to the nearest mirror. "Your all set!" She cheered. "When you get done I expect a full report on how it went."

Hermione rolled her eyes playfully in agreement. "You don't think its too much do you?"

"No! Now stop freaking out. I have a good feeling about tonight." With that Ginny left the head dorms, leaving Hermione to he own devices. Now all she had to do was wait. But it seemed like the clock had slowed down, and 8 o'clock would never come.

So while she waited, Hermione decided to reflect on everything that had happened this year. It was crazy. One little enchantment had caused so many problems, but also made so many opportunities. Never in a million years did Hermione think she would ever befriend Draco, let alone find herself having romantic feelings for him. Her mind wandered toward the future. If this date was successful would they go on more? Would he ask her to be his girlfriend?

Once again Hermione felt as though she was acting like one of the cliché muggle girls. But she couldn't help it, her mind had an imagination of its own. Question kept appearing on her train of thought. Would he accept her? Would her friends accept him? What if this all goes wrong? Would they continue to be friends.

"Hermione?" A voice said snapping her out of her thoughts. Draco stood in front of her with a smirk plastered on his face. "Earth to Granger." he continued waving his hand in front of her face. "Merlin, I know that I'm incredibly handsome, but I didn't think I'd render you speechless."

Hermione rolled her eyes, a light blush tinting her cheeks. She couldn't believe she had spaced out.

Draco held his hand out to her helping her up from the couch. "you look beautiful Miss Granger." he said dramatically kissing her hand.

"Your such a romantic, Mr. Malfoy." She laughed sarcastically.

Draco smile "Are you ready?"


She didn't know where they were going as they traveled up countless flights of stairs, but she was glad she didn't wear heals. She could only imagine how many blisters she would have had if she did. When they finally made it to the top floor in the castle Draco led he to a room. He then pulled out his wand and muttered out a spell, which made a small ladder fall from the ceiling.

"Lady's first."

She climbed up the ladder, Draco following right after. When she reached the top, she gasped in delight, for they were sitting on the tallest roof at Hogwarts, with the prettiest view of the stars she had ever seen.

There was already a blanket where they would sit with a small basket on top.

Draco joined her on the roof and led her to the blanket. "What do you think?" He asked after they sat down.

"Its beautiful." she answered looking up at the many stars. Each on was so close she felt that if she reached out she'd be able to touch them.

Draco smiled as he watched her, congratulating himself on a job well done. It had took him hours trying to find the perfect place to take Hermione. His first thoughts were of fancy restaurants he knew. But none of it felt right. Hermione was the type of girl who was down to earth. He figured she would like this better.

Draco rose his wand, pointing at a certain star. He followed it in a pattern connecting the dots one by one. "Do you know which constellation that is?"

"Draco." She said with a smile.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"I guessed but knowing you it would probably be the only one you would point out."

"I'm flattered you know me so well."

And so they sat up on the roof drawing out different constellations with their wands and teasing each other. They stayed out for a good two hours before they got cold anf had to retire. Like the gentleman he was, Draco walked Hermione to her side of the head rooms, before pulling her in for a kiss.

"Sleep well Hermione." He had whispered before going to his side. Leaving Hermione breathless. She had to admit that it had been one of the best dates she had ever been on. She couldn't wait to tell Ginny about it in the morning.


So I was planning on ending it after Draco asked her if she was ready. I really didn't want to write out their date but in the end I decided against it.

So I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you again for sticking with me I know I'm a very very very slow updater! XD

Any comments concerns or constructive criticism is welcome.

Draco constellation:

Draco constellation:

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