Episode 1

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 He opened his eyes. The sun walked into his eyes, and the fresh air filled his lungs. His heart beat faster than a storm. But his head was full of questions about where he is, what is happening, who is he, what to respond..

He got up. "Hello, Steve" a voice came out from nowhere, and faded away. Steve walked to a tree. "An apple!" He said wondering. Then, he jumped until he caught the apple, tasted it, but couldn't stop eating it until it finished.

He heard pearl from a near distance, then he found his legs running into the sound source, until he reached a river. He was shocked, because the water was moving, while he thought that everything is supposed to be solid, but his surprise was greater when he saw something moving between the bushes in the next riverside, something blurry, which made him scared for a moment, but full curiosity to know what is it. He ran through the water, moistened his clothes, reached and jumped on the land of the other riverside, and ran towards the moving body. Within seconds, he caught that thing, which was a chicken at the end. Steve held the chicken, which felt calmer when he caught it up, then he walked back into where he woke up.

"Turn it off!!" some one said,

"We can't sirrrrr.." another responded, while his voice was getting blurrier.

Two blurry faces, Steve saw.

Then he saw the chicken in his hands, and he realized it was just a dream.

The sun started to sink in the endless land of grass. Steve felt tired, and he uncontrollably started looking for a shelter. The sky looked as red as a battle field, where no one won.

Steve found a cave at the end, and found a chest inside of it. He lied the sleeping chicken on the ground, and opened the chest. A pickaxe, an axe, a sword with a paper written "Stay Alive" on it, coals, and some small wood logs were what he found.

He turned the wood logs into wood planks, made a crafting table, and used the rest of them to close the cave's front side. He made some sticks, and with the coal, he made some torches and lit up the place. That was his first home.

P.S: Don't forget to vote if you like my story :)

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