Chapter 4

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Last chapter...

"I will see you soon, (y/n)!"

"Bye, Mr. Russia!" she called out. Lithuania sweat-dropped as the man began to walk away.

'Hopefully, I can make it out of this in one piece.'

"Come on, (y/n). We have to get you settled in." Lithuania said nervously.

The bubbly girl had begun to talk nonstop, her shyness all but a memory. She kept asking what everything was and began to touch everything.

"What's that?!"

"That's a famous painting from the Russian Revolution."

"Ohh...what's that?!"

"That's an old Russian Bible."

"Ooh...what's that?!"

"...That's a door, (y/n)."

"!" Lithuania huffed. (Y/N) was a very sweet girl, but she had so much energy it was hard to keep up. They had made their way to the girl's new room where Latvia and Estonia were waiting by her new bed.

(Y/N)'s eyes seemed to get bigger, if that was even possible, as she looked at the beautiful room. The bedroom, she concluded, was bigger than her entire apartment back in New York.

The walls were covered with a (f/c) floral wallpaper with (f/f)s on them. The ceiling was really tall and had a gold lacy print on them and a gold chandelier hanging from the top. There was a soft, (f/c) couch next to a large fireplace with a gold-framed mirror above it. The bed was the best part. It was at least a king size, if not larger, and had beautiful silk curtains covering the entire thing, giving the girl complete privacy.

The girl squealed as she jumped into the large bed.

"I love it! I love it! I love it!" she exclaimed as she began to bounce on the featherbed mattress.

"Thank you so much!" She jumped off of the bed and at the trio, giving them all a monster hug. All of them jumped back in surprise and awkwardly smiled as she hugged them.

"We're - uhh - glad you like it, (y-y/n)," Latvia stuttered. The girl let them go, giving them all a chance to breathe.

"This place is soo cool! Can we go exploring around the house? Can we? Can we? Can we? Please?" The girl said giving them all the puppy dog eyes.

"Uhh..." the trio said.

The girls face fell.

"Bu-but," she whispered, tears threatening to spill.

"Fine," they all sighed. But (y/n) was already half way out the door. The Baltics did a three-way glance and immediately took after her.

"(Y/N)! WAIT!!"

'Heh heh. They'll never find me in here.'

(Y/N) was hiding in one of the many closets behind some towels and cleaning supplies. She could just barely hear the shouts of the three calling her name.

'This house is so fun! I've only been here for a little while, and we're already playing hide-and-seek!'

She could no longer hear voices in the distance.

'I think the coast is clear.' Not wanting to be cooped up in a closet any longer, she sped out of the closet, looking behind her as she ran.

'They'll never find me now! Now to do some real explori-'

But the thoughts of the girl were stopped as she ran into a solid figure. She fell onto the floor with a thud and rubbed her head.

"Oww," the girl said. She looked up with a surprised look on her face and saw none other than...


(A/N): Dun dun dun. Cliffhanger! Don't worry, I'll have the next chapter up soon, so I'll try not to keep you guys waiting so long. Who do you think it is? I want to see your guesses in the comments below. 'Til next time!

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