Denmark Ending

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The flowers in Copenhagen were beautiful this time of year. From the hills of the countryside to the urban streets they could be seen everywhere.

She couldn't help but talk about the city. It was so bright and cold out even in summer. There were so many people, and there was so much to do. Denmark was practically gushing with pride. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but tease him, as family often does. (Y/N) looked to him, smiling mischievously.

"Byerne er mindre her." He gasped, placing a hand over his heart.

"They are not! Just because you lived in New York does not mean my cities are tiny!" She laughed, swinging her arms playfully.

Though Denmark wouldn't call himself feminine, he did help (Y/N) fashion a little daisy crown for her head. She insisted that he have one, too ("We have to match!") so she copied his own work, this time making it with white and red flowers.

Needless to say, he did not take it off.

"Kan vi vælge flere blomster efter frokost?"

"Heck yeah we can!" He picked her up, spinning her around as she laughed in glee. "We can go to the gardens as many times as you want!" He set her down on his hip. "But first you have to eat all of your vegetables."


"I know, I know. I hate the vegetables, too." His smile widened. "But if you promise to eat them then I will, too!" They cheered, hugging each other tightly.

They took a day trip to the city, taking a break from Denmark's countryside cottage. The Dane knew a great place for lunch after they had just finished the Butterfly Garden.

They skipped, hand in hand, along the sidewalk. They harbored a few stares, but many simply smiled at the young girl and her older brother's behavior. They skipped until their legs hurt, smiles never leaving their faces.

Long after drying, the daisy crowns sat in their little cottage, never leaving their sight. For the flowers of Denmark were some of the most beautiful in the world.


*Byerne er mindre her: the cities are small here

*Kan vi vælge flere blomster efter frokost: can we go pick flowers after lunch

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