Chap. 3

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The class ended and Peter and I exited the classroom. And transfered into the other room until the class time ended.

"Bye Peter we'll see again tomorrow." I waved my hand

"Wait Ethel can I have your number in case we have assignments that I haven't copied."

"Sure." I wrote my number in his hands as he looked at me. "Well bye."

I went to my room and saw Beatrix and Edlyn at their beds while reading book is in wattpad. I dropped my bag at my bed and got my phone.

"Aww I hate you Edmund you broke the girls heart." Edlyn said while reading the story. I heard my phone, a text message.

Hey Ethel, it's me Peter.

A text message from Peter. "Hey Ethel who are you texting to?" They both look at me "my friend Peter, he's nice. I met him when we we're finding our room." They screamed and as if it was new year.

"What, that was true." I confirmed

"Are you dating one of the jocks?" Beatrix smirked

"What! No he is my friend. Wait what do you mean jocks?"

"They are the hottest guy or Jock in this school. A lot fan girls wanna die just for them. There we're 4 of them. Peter who you just met, he is really into games, very playful, noisy and sweet. Roland the attractive one, he is also noisy, into science and also playful. Pio he is the thinnest of them all, he hates gay people (no offence) he eats a lot but still very thin, into science, mature and into games. James who is mature, quiet, loves to tease people, but sweet when you got into him." Beatrix explained

"How long have you been here.?

"About 18hours, 34 minutes and 23 seconds."

"So your new and how can you know all of that?"

"I stalk them." I had a weird look. "Oh well keep doing it if you want." I texted Peter.

Peter are you still awake?

Yeah, I'm playing games with my best friends.

Oh I see, if you we're new here how can you be so popular?

So you still haven't recognize. Okay, im a youtuber and students here recognize me.

Oh.. how about your friends.

Pio is a smart ass he should be with the geeks right now but he is more cooler than them. James is known for being sweet, and his attitude to mock well I've met him since we we're grade 6. Roland became with us because of his attractive or as chick magnet.

Wow you might have a lot of fangirs waiting.

Haha well yeah I like it when they like us.

Haha well I don't. By the way to got to sleep my roommates are sleeping.

Good night

I turned my phone off and comfort myself in my bed. How I miss my mom and my dad. Why can't I be evil here I must have one tomorrow.

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