Just like Yesterday

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~Author note: Hello, thank you so much for starting to read my story. Please save to your list to continue  reading every week. Don't forget to leave comments of your thoughts throughout your reading!  This chapter is about getting to know the main character and her relationship with her parents. Again, Thank you!~

          I am moving away, finally away from my psycho parents and annoying little brother. Don't get me wrong my parents are amazing at supporting me but I am not treated my age. My little brother.. well he is a different story, id rather not think about the things he does on his free time. 

My name is Tayla, I am 17 years old and I knew that by moving out I could have a happier life then I have now. I don't have a boyfriend and my best friend recently went missing and it has been 3 weeks since she has disappeared. I have even searched myself and went through her room looking for things that would lead me to her being found; but nothing. 

Anyways, I usually get off topic so I am sorry in advanced. I sigh loudly as my name is called  by my parents, "Tay, your car is done heating up." 

Where I live, in the winter there is no such thing as nice weather. Its always -30c (86f) and every night it rains and snows, making the roads the worst thing to ever drive on. I run down the stairs, caring a box of my clothes and valuables from my room. My parents look at me curiously, "What is that for?"my mom asks while looking at me then the box then back at the breakfast that she is cooking. 

"I am moving out, remember?" I roll my eyes, looking at my car out the window, and the piles of powdery blanket of snow outside. I remember that I even sat down with my mom and tried to tell her and reason with her the reasons why I am going to be leaving soon, but it seems that it always goes over her head. Nothing I say is taken seriously by her, its one big joke. Till this time, it isn't just a thought it actually is going to happen. I am going to move out no matter whats going to happen. 

I set down my box near the front door, my mom didn't answer she just rolled her eyes and sighed. Again, nothing that I say is ever serious to her. Sometimes I have to really appreciate the moments where my dad just stays in his office, other times it starts arguments with my mother. 

See, the thing is... my dad is really my dad, he is my step dad. I think of him like he is my real dad but sometimes I do not get the same respect back from him, it seems like I am just another kid in his house and I don't mean as much as my little brother. I used to get so heartbroken when he would yell at me but really, now I just act like everything that he says is one giant joke. 

I sit down at the table on our wobbly chairs, waiting for the last breakfast that I am going to have at home. I am not even sad, I know that the best thing for me is to leave my house, I need to be happy and to focus on things that are going to help me in my future. 

Now here's a little background on my little brother, I have never hated someone so much in my life. It actually disgusts me to look at him, his name is Allen and hes still at the stage where he thinks that everything should still be revolved around him. I remember this one time he asked to use my phone cord, yes he has a phone and is only 12. This generation literally kills me. I didn't give him mine because I was using it at night so my phone would be charged for the exam that I will be taking the next day. He through a fit and stomped to his room, then has been ignoring me since. Doesn't bother me much, just proves that he is a little kid and should act his age not his shoe size. Oh wait, one more thing he has massive feet, that are literally size 10 for a 12 year old boy, I do not think that that is natural. Not judging here. 

Honestly I cannot wait to leave I know that this is the thing that I want to do to make myself happy and to keep myself from being stuck here my whole life. I need to leave. I get up, grab my box and without any words I leave the house. No, I didn't stay for my last breakfast like I wanted to but I was going to listen to my mom's blunt answers, the quietness of my step dad ignoring me and if my brother woke up I knew that I did not want to deal with his smart ass remarks. 

I put the box in the back of my car, and sit in the front seat looking up at my house. I actually feel as if I am not even going to miss anything about being here, maybe I will miss the company and my mom a little bit but I knew that I was going to do something better in my life. 

I reverse out of the drive way, now let me be honest, I am moving with my friend so that I don't have to be homeless and then if I end up running out of money I am not forced to go back home. 

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