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I knew that this was my moment to run, but my body seemed frozen, like I couldn't even walk anymore. My brain went blank as I seen the guy running towards me.  I tend to freak out at these moments, thinking about any possible thing that could ever go wrong. 

He sat down beside me, making eye contact. I broke out into a sweat, my body quickly turning to ice and every hair on my neck stood up. Its the middle of the night and some random guy is trying to talk to me, at the park. A park that is enclosed by trees and no street light. The worst park to possibly be at in the middle of the night. 

I still could not make out his face, though I could see that he had a chizzled chin and smelled like way to much cologne. Not even the good stuff, but things that you could get from the dollar tree. My mind searched for any rational reason for him to have came over to me, but my mind is running blank. 

"U..Uh yeah," is the only thing that I can think of to say, my ears were ringing and everything around me stopped "I am fine." I felt like I was at such a vulnerable place right now, honestly anything can happen at this given moment. It was like everything went into slow motion and the only thing that mattered is to get away from this person. 

He turned on his phone, "Its kinda dark out here, isnt it? he asked while turning on his flashlight app. He sounded older, his voice was deep but also soothing. I shook the thought of having any decent conversation with this man. He turned his phone to shine the flashlight at me, as if he was trying to examine my face because he couldn't see clearly in the dark. Its not like my face was anything special, green eyes, small nose and side bangs that would cover my forehead. 

I didn't know what his motives were, or what he really wanted from me. I finally got the strength to stand up. I brushed the grass off my legs explaining to him, "Yeah, I must have lost track of time looking up at the stares, I should be going home soon." I tried to sound like I was the higher power, like I was the person who was going to be making all the decisions and I wasn't some petite girl. 

I wish that I could have had my phone to shine in his face, to see his reaction to me being assertive. But, I had left my phone in my car because I didn't think that I would need it. 

"I was just making sure you were okay, don't be nervous. I do not bite," he chuckled as he talked to me, like it was some kind of joke to him. To taunt someone in the middle of the night like he was the better person "you must be a night owl, you look young. Shouldn't you be asleep?"

I started to back away from him as he stood up, his figure was tall compared to my 5"0. I looked up at what I thought was his face, but there was still his flashlight shining in my face. "That is honestly none of your business, and I am leaving now," I smiled slightly, realizing that I should not be rude to the strange guy trying to talk to me at a park. 

He turned off his phone's flashlight and walked away like nothing had ever happened. Maybe he was intimidated by me. Lets hope so.  I started my walk back to my vehicle and tried to push the thought of my little encounter from the creepy stranger. Its not like he knows who I am by my face or maybe he did know me that why he came over to me. 

Maybe if I would have taken my phone out to the park I would have been able to see who he was. Then I would feel a little bit better about that situation. 

I sighed loudly, "You are fine," I tried to reassure myself, "everything is fine." 

*Authors note: I hope you are enjoying reading so far, it means so much to have a veiw on one page, please leave a comment about anything. I will be posting daily questions on each chapter and you can give your opinions in the comments. ... What do you think that the 'strangers' motives were in approaching the main character? ...*

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