Normal Kind Of Strange.

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My name is Willow. I am a very strange independent teenager. Who just began a new High School. Like normal your thoughts are: "oh who is gonna like me, or "Will I fit in?" Well me, I personally do not care what others think of me. Just ready to get through the first day. In the picture, you keep staring at above, yeah, that one! It's me, I'm the red head girl putting her gray dull socks on one at a time like the rest of the out-stretched girls. Trying to fit in this stupid plaid skirt, that is as straight as a popsicle stick, and the white button up shirt that has a plaid tie is so out of style. it makes me feel like I am a nerd. This girl is no nerd, I am a goth girl, who gets judged every day at school. But not today, OH NO NOT TODAY! I refuse to be one of those made fun of crazy blonde headed girls that always wears makeup and red or pink lipstick and giggles like the little mermaid.

Putting on the last shoe walking out of my room, brushing my hair over my shoulder, and putting a bandanna in it and running down the stairs. My brother and sister are downstairs already eating breakfast while I zoom out the door, one foot out the door, and my mother screams "WILLOW GET YOUR BUTT BACK IN HERE, NOW MISSY". I walk back inside and close the front door. Sitting down at the kitchen table, gnawing on a piece of a toast and Nutella, and drinking a sip of milk to wash it down. My brother (which his name is Salem, who is 16 and in highschool) is sitting there finishing his drink, and heading out the door. My sister (which her name is Lillith who is 13  and in 8th grade) is heading back up the stairs, I scream YOU BETTER NOT BE GOING TO MY ROOM STEALING MY MAKEUP AND MY HAIRBRUSH AGAIN!!! She turns around and walks back down the stairs and pushes past me while grabbing her bag. Sticking her tongue out at me. I walk up to her and push her saying that she is being childish. I walk outside and hurriedly and put my headphones in my ears and played evanescence. "Call me When your sober" blasted on full volume.  My sister walked fast past me, and stopped right infront of me, I took my headphones out my ears, and screamed at her to move out my way so im not late to my bus. Her bus stops and picks her up. I scream to her" Have a great first day at your new school!" "Can't wait to see you later sis!" She looks at me and waves good bye. I put my headphones back in my ears and restart my song over. 

Walking with my bag on one shoulder, and my headphones on a full blast down the street. My brother stops and waits for me, My brother is 6 ft tall, and has snake bite piercings and always wears skinny jeans with a studded green and black belt with his midnight blue-black hair in his face. Walking down the street together getting on the bus sprinting to the back of the bus to sit down in the same seat we always do. We slide down pushing our knees to the seat jamming out to our metal music. My brother smiles at me wickedly and punches me in the arm saying " I hope we get to school before the bell tolls." The doors to the bus close making a screeching noise. As the bus builds speed it  hits a huge pothole and me and Salem hit our head on the roof. About 3 minutes later the bus pulls up to the school all of the kids get off. I hold on to my brother's arm as we walk off  walking to the front doors of the school. My brother tells me to let go of his arm so I do. He tells me he is going to sign in and get his schedule in the front office, and that he will grab mine also.

My brother leaves and I am left there in the school by myself. I glance around nervously looking for like minded people but all I see are a bunch of "Brittanys" all the dressed up school girls looking rather high maintenance, with their smooth blonde hair, and giggles. A girl comes up to me and ask's me how I am doing. I sarcastically say " Uh, how does it look like I'm doing?" She looks around to see if anyone can hear her. She comes in close to me and say's " Look, you little bitch, this is my school, you don't belong here, so turn around go take your ass out those doors, and go get a plane ticket to go back to where ever the hell you came from." She pulls away from me and smirks replying with a comment like " so um I am Samantha and well I will see you around!" She skips away and I run up to her and I Tap her shoulder, she instantly turns around and I punch her in the face and walk away. I whisper" I hope no one saw that."  Finding a place to sit at a table and pulling my phone out, texting my mom. 

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