Why me?

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I'm walking home alone from the guild, reading.
"Hey, you wanna come hang out with us?"
I look up, I see a really tall man about 6" 9' and another tall man about 6" 3'
"Um no" I say and walk around them.
"Aw come on baby" 6" 3' says and grabs my wrist.
My book went flying out of my hand and slid towards my house and landing in front of the door.
"Let me go!" I yell.
"Nope" 6" 9' says and hits me with something really hard, and everything goes black.
~5 hours later~
Lucy's POV
"Natsu, has Akemi come home yet?" I ask.
"Not that I've seen" Natsu asks.
~knock on door~
"I'll get it" I say get up, walk over and open the door.
"Where's Akemi?" Takashi asks.
"We don't know" I say.
"She didn't come home?" Takashi asks.
"No she didn't, isn't that her book?" I ask and point to the book on the ground.
"Yea it is" he says and picks it up.
"I think she might be in danger, I'll get Natsu, stay-" I stop, my phone starts to ring. I take it out of my pocket. "Hello?" I say.
"We have your Daughter! If you would like her back, come to the old mansion on Money St." They say and hang up.
"I was right, grab her book, Natsu! Let's go!" I say.
~with me~
Akemi's POV
"She's still out?" I hear someone say
"Yes sir." Another person says.
"Huh? Well this should be interesting" he says.

My Life (Part 1 Of Akemi's story, After My Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now