Hurry Up and Save Me

601 31 11

2 days later
Akemi's POV
I woke up two days ago, they have been hurting me ever since then asking me where my real mom is. I'm in shackles on the wall no magic shackles so yes I can't use my magic.
"Where is she?!" The leader screams.
"I already told you I don't know" I yell.
I got shocked with a electric taser again. It wasn't enough to pass me out but was enough to hurt me.
"I'll ask one last time then I'll kill!" He yells.
"I don't even know my real mother, and so I don't know." I yell and smile.
"Alrigh-" someone taps his shoulder "huh?" He turns around
"You better wanna die today cause you are going to today!" Natsu yells and socks him in the jaw.
"Gate of lion! Leo, I open thee!" Lucy yells.
"Akemi! Are you okay?" Takashi asks running over to me.
"Kinda" I managed to say and then started coughing up blood.
"Akemi..." Takashi says and frowns.
"Can someone get me out of these chains?" I say softly.
"Yea where's the keys ? " Takashi asks.
"On that guy" I say and then pass out.
Takashi's POV
I held out my hands, "Lucy, Natsu get behind me," I say, they run behind me. "Wind Make: Tornado!" I yell and as I spread my hands more apart the bigger the tornado got, then I released at the leader and his helpers. Then I whispered, "Fly Away" to the tornado and it went away instead of coming towards us too. The keys had fallen out of the leader's pocket. I picked them up and unlocked the chains. Then I carried Akemi, bride style, as we went to Polysuica. (Sorry if I spelled that wrong.)
~At the Gulid~
"Is she going to be alright?" I ask.
"This is the first time I'm going to say this: I don't know..." Polysuica says.
I frowned. Lucy puts a hand on my back.
"It'll be okay" she says.
~4 days later~
Akmei's POV
I open my eyes slowly. "Where?" I croaked out. My voice sounded weak and lost.
"Oh good you're awake!" Polysuica says.
I look around the room and see Takashi on the couch, sleeping. I smile.
"Takashi..." I say softly.
His eyes open slowly.
"He brought you here along with Natsu and Lucy. He has been here ever since I insisted every day he leave but he didn't. He really cares about you Akemi" Polysuica says and walks out of the room.
He sits up. "I see you're awake" he says.
"Yea" I say. He gets up, walks over to me and smiles.
"I love you, Akemi" he says.
I smile, "I'm gonna whisper something in your ear, come closer," I say.
He comes closer, I kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear, "I love you too"
Then he looks at me and smiles. Then he gets really close. And kisses me on the lips...

My Life (Part 1 Of Akemi's story, After My Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now