Chapter two

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. The room was all white and there was a boy sitting in the chair next to my bed. I realized I was in a hospital when my vision became 100% clear. I got a bad headache but I tried to sit up anyway.
The guy noticed me waking up and came immediately for help. "I'm okay" I said and helped myself sitting up on the bed.

When I looked at the boy I saw a handsome brown haired head with beautiful eyes.
"How do you feel?" the boy asked and looked at me with a questioning look.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked, not wanting to sound rude. "Oh yes uhm I'm sorry. I'm Nicholas Grimshaw, but you can call me Nick. I accidentally hit you with my car when you were crossing the street" he said with regrets.
Before I could reply, Niall stormed in the room and started rambling all worried asking if I'm okay and what happened.

"I didn't see the car coming and I was too late to dodge the car" I said and looked up at Nick who was looking at the ground.
"I am really really sorry, I didn't saw you and I had to hurrt, so it's totally my fault" Nick rambled.
"Yes you better be sorry, I was worried as hell when I heard you never showed up by your mom! We were about to call you but then the hospital called your mom and said you were here. Anne is on her way" Niall said.
"I'm okay, don't worry. And Nick, it's alright, it's both our fault" I said while I tried to get out of bed. Niall helped me to stand up when the doctor came in.

"How do you feel now Mr Styles?" the doctor asked while shining a light in my eyes. "I feel good, just a headache, that's all" I said.
"Okay, I will check you one more time before you can go home" the doctor said and walked away. "Oh Harry darling how are you? What happened, are you okay?!" My mom asked worried when she came in seconds later. "Yes yes mom, I'm fine" I replied and followed the doctor to the other room.

- 10 minutes later -
"He is ready to go home" the doctor said when he was done examining me.
I came out of the room and saw Niall sitting with Nick. "I'm so sorry again and I already arranged the costs of the hospital" Nick said while walking over to me.
"It's okay, thanks" I said. "Aren't you a YSL model here in London?" Nick asked nervously.
I was shocked how he would know that. He wouldn't be something as a fan right? I thought and replied "yes I am. How do you know that?"

"Well, because I'm a model too. I recently started working here in London by the Gucci company" Nick said. Yep, now it made sense. "That's really nice. How is it going?" I asked interested. He reminds me of an old good friend. That's why I already like him I thought. He seems like someone whom I could be good friends with. After all he is in the same kind of business as me. "It's going great. I have a photoshoot next week actually. It's my first one. Any tips?" Nick asked and smiled shyly.

"Just be your handsome self" I replied gently smiling back. "Thanks mate, I will. Here is my number if you ever need a favor. I owe you in the end" he said and gave me a small paper with his number on it.
"Thanks and I will. Nice to meet you, even though in a weird way. I like you" I said and walked out of the hospital with Niall and my mom.

"What was that about?" Niall asked. "Nothing. He looks nice I guess" I said.
"I don't like him" I heard Niall saying softly. I ignored it while getting in my moms car.

We drove in a comfortable silence home and the day went normally like nothing happened.


- The next day -

*Louis' POV*

It was a saturday morning when I woke up from the sounds of my sisters. I got out of bed and took a quick shower before getting dressed.

"Goodmorning mom" I said when I walked down the stairs. I heard nothing, no reply.
"Mom?" I asked while walking to the living room. I saw her sleeping on the couch with the blanket half on the ground, the tv still on and her mouth open. As I walked over to her I wrapped her carefully in the blanket and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Daisy, Phoebe, Lottie and Felicite all walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Goodmorning sleepyheads" I said while grabbing some milk out of the frigde. They all said a sort of goodmorning too and walked away, all their own direction.

I was about to ask what they were going to do today when my phone rang. I picked up without bothering looking at the name.
"Goodmorning Louis" Liam said on the other line.
"Goodmorning Liam, what's up?" I asked
"Do you have any plans today? My mom convinced me to buy a gift for my sister's birthday" Liam said
"Not really. I actually just wanted to stay home taking care of my mom. She got a fever" I said on the phone.
"Plans changed. I already asked Sophia first but she had to do something for her work. You really need to come. I will ask my mom if she wants to take care of your mom" Liam said, asking his mom at the same time if she is okay with that.
"Okay then. I will pick you up at 1. Be ready" I said and hang up.

"Mom" I said quietly while shaking her awake. "What" my mom said sleepy but I knew she was awake. "I'm going to the mall with Liam to get a birthday present for his sister. Karen will come and take care of you, is that okay?" I asked gently.
"Yeah it's okay, have fun. Get yourself something nice, I will pay. Thanks for always taking care of me love" she said while drifting back to sleep.

I grabbed my keys and wallet and went outside to my car. 'Call me maybe' was on the radio and I sang quite with the lyrics.

Liam already stood outside when I pulled on his driveway. He stepped into the car and I drove to the mall. Liam was telling something about Sophia again and couldn't stop smiling whenever he mentioned her name.
I really do love them together. They are secretly my OTP but they don't have to know that.

10 minutes later we arrived at the parking lot. We got out of the car and made our way to the stores.

"What would she like? You should know, you have 4 of them" Liam said.
"Yeah I have but that doesn't mean I know what you should give her" I said while getting an idea. "Okay maybe I do. This new store opened last week. It got everything a girl dreams about" I said smiling at Liam. Since Liam didn't have any ideas we just made our way to that store.

You may ask why I know that store but it's not because there works a cute guy. *wink wink*. I've been there one time shopping with my sister Lottie and that's when I noticed the cute boy. Maybe that's why I introduced it to Liam, but also because it is a great store for a girl present actually.

"R&D" Liam read when we stood in front of the store I told about. "Yep" I said and walked into the store.
"Hi! Welcome by rose and dagger, THE place to be" a girl who worked there said when we walked in. "Hey" Liam said and asked her if she could help finding a present.

The girl showed Liam some things, so I took a look around the store. I went with the escalator up to the men's department. When I reached the top, I saw a gorgeous dark green with black jacket on the mannequin.
I remembered my mom saying to buy something on her expense so I wanted to look what it costs. It was even more beautiful when I came closer and I touched the jacket to feel the fabric. As soon as I touched the jacket, the mannequin moved and I froze. I looked up to see a 6 feet 3 man looking down at me. He had the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen and his jawline was perfect. The man had soft brown curly hair that was bouncing on his shoulder. I looked down to his body and he was perfect. I think I also made a little gasp sound.
I couldn't stop looking at him but then I realized I had mistaken the man as mannequin. My cheeks went red and I was embarrassed to look up at him again.
"Oops" I said quiet while looking down at the ground because I was too ashamed to look into his beautiful eyes.

"Hi" the man said slowely but hot with the most beautiful and deep voice I've ever heard. That's when my blue eyes met his beautiful green eyes.




Yours sincerely, Louis.Where stories live. Discover now