just a little reminder.

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I have so much respect for the people who smile through the day, go home and cry themselves to sleep at night. for the people who look at the number on the scales and decide that the number isn't small enough and that they need to go to extreme lengths to change that. for the people who are verbally or physically abused day after day just for doing what they like to do and being who they want to be. for the people that hide away their true feelings because they don't want people to know the truth. for the people who critisise their own every action because they don't think they're good enough. for the people who are suffering in ways they don't even understand and can't even explain physically and mentally day after day and they haven't done anything to deserve it. for the people who want to give up and think about doing something they'll regret every single day.

well let me tell you all a little secret. you are absolutely amazing. no matter how big, small, unimportant, important your problems are and how they make you feel inside, you are such a marvellous human being. i know you might be thinking 'why should i listen to this complete stranger?' but i promise you, even if i don't know you on a personal level, everything i say is 100% true. everytime you feel like giving up, every time things get difficult put your hand on your chest. can you feel that? that heartbeat? That's called a purpose. You're alive for a reason. Now isn't the time to give up, there's never a time to give up. Take every day in your stride and power through the tough times because even though it seems difficult now you will look back and realise how far you've come and just how incredible you are. Remember that every obstacle, every curve ball, every difficulty that is thrown your way is your chance to prove that you are strong. maybe you don't feel strong but I can promise you now that you are so unbelievably strong. So whatever it is that you go through and however difficult that it is, please don't give up. You are so beautiful inside and out and I love you so damn much.

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