Chapter 3

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(Louis POV)

All I remember is the boy... The bright green eyes and the beautiful brown curls... and that crazy smirk. I remember him holding me down, telling me to breathe, and what's happening now? Am I dead? I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I went to get off the bed, but something was restricting me. I trailed my eyes down to my leg, and I saw that it was chained to the bed so I couldn't leave. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. My hands flew up to my mouth and as soon as I felt the tape, I ripped it off. I looked around me in panic. No windows, No escapes. But there was a door, but it's far too distanced for me to reach. I have to get out of here! I reached in my pocket to get my phone and- shit! where did it go?! I sighed and layed down and stared at the ceiling. I sat here for about ten minutes when the doorknob turned slowly. I gasped and sat on the bed with my back against the headboard and my knees to my chest. I was going to die! The door slowly opened to see a familiar, yet haunting face. His eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Ah, you're awake, Louis."

"You bastard!" I yelled

He laughed quietly and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Do you know why I kidnapped you?"

"Because you were bored?"

I remarked.

He turned to look at me and he looked angry.

"Don't get smart with me."

"Or what, Curly?"

His fist flew to my stomach and punched me hard.

"Or I'll kill you." He said darkly.

I was still recovering from my punch when he started talking again.

"Now, Louis, I contacted your mother and let her know that I am holding you for a ransom. She is going to wire you the money sometime this week, and you will withdraw it and give it to me."

"and if she doesn't?"

He sighed.

"If she doesn't pay the money by the end of the week, consider yourself dead. Literally."

I closed my eyes and thought about this. I really hope she pays. I just want to go home...

"What's your name?" I asked.


"Um okay. Uh.. Harry? I'm kind of hungry..."

He bit his lip for a second before speaking.

"I'll have Niall bring you something."

"Can you unchain me, too?"

"Don't push your luck."

He got off of my bed and left, closing the door behind him. Minutes later, a tall blond walked in the room holding a McDonald's bag and a drink. He came over and sat the bag in front of me and sat on the chair next to my bed.

"thanks.." I said quietly.

he half smiled.

"The name's Niall, mate."


"I know."

"oh." I set the bag aside and looked at him.

"Why did Harry do this to me?" I asked, trying to hold back tears.

Niall looked at me, and looked at my stomach, seeing the red mark harry left.

"Did he punch you?"

I nodded my head.

"Why?" he asked.

"It doesn't fucking matter!" I raised my voice at him.

"Easy, Louis."

"No! I will not fucking calm down! I just got kidnapped!" I yelled.

"You clearly need to know the rules around here.

One: Don't piss ANY of us off. it will not end well for you.

Two: Obey what Harry says at all times.

Three: Don't try to escape. Punishments don't go light around here."

I nodded my head slowly and opened the bag, pulling out food and eating.

He got up to leave. When he approached the door, I called out to him.



"Am I ever going to be allowed to contact my family?"

He stood there for a second, and left without answering my question. I didn't feel like eating anymore, so I set the bag aside, and decided to lay down. I was actually very tired, and upset.


(Harry POV)

Niall came out of his room looking agitated.

"What did he do now?" I asked.

"Sassy as hell."

"Trust me, i know. Sassy, but hot."

Niall sat on the couch next to me.

"You have a crush on Louis?"

"I don't know yet. But hey I have to go take care of some business. I heard there is a rival in our territory.. so yeah.." I left the house holding a knife and a pistol. I wandered through the forest when I saw him. Two of them. They were wearing shirts that represent their gang, and the blue bandana. That's definitely them. I hid behind a tree gripping my knife tightly, waiting for the taller one. I heard his footsteps approaching and i quickly jumped out and slit his throat as quietly as possible. I slowly set him on the ground. I saw the other one spin around to look at me. I discreetly tucked the gun into my pocket so he wouldn't see it.

"Well, well, well." I said.

"Put the knife down." He said sternly while raising a gun.

"Fuck you." I replied.

He Loaded the gun.

"I said put. the. knife. down. do it slowly, no sudden movements."

"Okay.... okay.." I said loud enough for him to hear. I didn't break eye contact with him as I slid my hands down slowly, setting the knife on the ground, and slowly sliding my hands back up towards my pockets, but in a way to where he didn't know what I was about to do. I carefully reached into my pocket, pulled out a gun, and shoot him in the head all in one sudden movement. "goodnight." I said smiling. I stood up fully and emptied his pockets to find fifty dollars. I smiled and took the gun from his hands. Now all I have to do is dump the bodies in a lake or something.

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