Chapter 4

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A/N "Maybe its the way she walked straight into my heart and stole it! through the doors and past the guards, just like she already owned it. I said 'can you give it back to me?' she said 'never in your wildest dreams'!"


(Louis POV)

I sat on my bed thinking about everything. My thoughts were interrupted when Harry stumbled through the door and he smelled strongly like alcohol. I suddenly felt scared when he approached me. "Louis." is all he said.

"Get away! you're drunk!" I said, panic in my voice.

He laughed and got on the bed, and straddled me. I tried pushing him off, but he was too strong. He giggled and started kissing my neck. He then tried to pull my pants down.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled.

"Shut the hell up!"

he punched me in the face and then slammed his lips onto mine. he bit my bottom lip and I kept my lips shut. he growled and pulled away. I pushed him as hard as I can, and he landed on the floor. I could tell he was now sober because he stood up.

"What the fuck!" he yelled. Harry then just started punching me repeatedly, despite me screaming. Then, a guy with jet black hair and tan skin bursted in the room.

"Harry?" he asked

"What?" harry stopped punching me to look at the other guy.

"Liam needs help. He is being held hostage by the rivals!"

"Are you kidding Zayn?"

"No! Do I look like I'm fucking kidding?" Zayn yelled.

"Shit. Alright lets go" Harry stormed out of the room with Zayn, and something fell out of his pocket. As soon as he closed the door, I just broke down crying. He just beat the hell out of me! And he threw himself at me! About 10 minutes later I stopped crying, when I remembered that something fell form his pocket when he left. It was on the floor right next to my bed, so I think I can reach it...

I grabbed it and I held the newly found key in my hand. Wait! Its the same size as the keyhole in the chain around my ankle! I smirked and tried it out. Soon, I had the chain off of me.

"Yes!" As soon as I stood up, I ran straight to the door. It wasn't even locked this time! I stepped outside and closed it quietly. I casually strolled into the livingroom and.... Shit! I hid behind the wall. What was Niall doing here?! I held my breath and slowly tried to walk behind where he was sitting at a kitchen chair. Wow! He didn't hear me! I made it to the front door, and slowly turned the handle.

"Hey!" I heard him yell. I jumped and turned around, with my back against the door.

"U-um.." I stuttered.

Niall slowly approached me, never breaking eye contact. I felt my breathing get heavier as he got closer. Now he was right in front of me. He gently grabbed my arm, pulling me towards somewhere. I hesitantly followed him, scared I was going to get beat up again. He brought me to the living room and sat me on the couch. he sat right next to me.

"Harry would kill you if he caught you and I didn't.." He said.

"I.. I know..."

"Look," He began, "Consider me your only friend here, because I'm the nicest of us all. So I would be careful if I were you."

I nodded my head slowly.

"I'm not going to tell Harry... This time... so just obey him and what he says." He said.

I suddenly felt tears come to my eyes before speaking.

"He.. he tried to... to.. touch me.. and he kissed m-me!"

I choked out.

"Im sorry, Louis." He said quietly,

"But Harry really is a nice guy inside. He really is. He just feels he has to be this way because of.. you know, He's a gang leader and shit."

I nodded.

"I just want to go home..." I said.

He sighed.

"I know."

We heard a car pull into the garage, making Niall jump up. "Shit follow me!" He yelled. He brought me back into my room.

"Wheres the key to lock this?" he said quickly putting the chain around my ankle. I sighed in defeat and handed him the key. He quickly locked it and pocketed the key. He then sat on my bed as Harry opened the door and walked in. He was holding a cigarette and he slowly blew smoke out of his mouth. It was actually really hot. I hated him but I can't deny he is fucking sexy.

"Hello Niall. Louis."

Niall nodded and I ignored him.

"Niall, can I speak to you and the other two for a moment?"

"Yeh." Niall said and stood up, following Harry out of the room. Niall turned and glanced at me before closing the door behind him.

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