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˖*°࿐chapter twenty five

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˖chapter twenty five.


Waking up within the next few hours, Janelle shifted around on her bed to find a more comfortable spot.

It was around late in the afternoon and there was a light breeze coming in from the open window, which made Janelle shiver. She was going to get up to close it, but something was holding her back.

Kai was lying next to her, sleeping peacefully with his arm draped across Janelle's body. His grip was quite tight around her, but she carefully managed to slip out of his grasp.

Janelle walked around her bed and trailed her fingertips over the walls to find her bathroom. Once she got there, she turned on the shower and stripped out of her over-sized sweater.

Images flashed through her head of the kiss she had with Kai. The feeling of his soft lips colliding with her own was enough to make her blush at the thought of them sharing a moment like that again.

It was different this time.

Before, Janelle was in denial about Kai's feelings for her because she was so focused on taking care of her child, but now that it was out of the way, she was able to open up her heart more.

But then again, Janelle was still scared to let him in. Kai already knew so much about her, some things she didn't even know herself, but she felt like she knew nothing about him. She was afraid of hurting him more than she already had.

She didn't want to risk giving him the chance, only to end up realizing that this wasn't the same guy she fell in love with 18 years ago.

She feared that she wouldn't just break Kai's heart, but her own as well.

And that was one of the things Janelle hated showing the most. She hated showing fear. To her, it was a sign of weakness and it gave off the message that she couldn't handle things by herself, which she could, just not all the time.

When Janelle was finished with her shower, she turned off the water and wrapped a towel around her body. She went towards the bathroom counter and searched through her drawers for a comb, being unlucky with her first few tries.

Janelle jumped when she felt a hand on her hip and a warm breath on her neck.

"Need help?" Kai smirked, pushing Janelle's hair aside to rest his chin on her shoulder.

She giggled, caressing the side of Kai's face, "I can't find my comb."

Kai glanced around the bathroom counter and found the exact item Janelle was asking for next to her flat iron.

"Here," he handed it to her and watched as Janelle untangled the knots in her hair.

"Take a picture, Kai. It'll last longer," Janelle told him, but Kai didn't even hear her because he was too busy gazing at her, adoringly. "Kai." She elbowed him in the stomach when he didn't move.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒. ❪ 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗏𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝗋𝖾 𝖽𝗂𝖺𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌 ❫Where stories live. Discover now