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a quick recap for those who might've forgotten: Kai and Janelle slept together. Chris tells Janelle he needs to talk to her about something important. Kai, Bonnie, Elena, and Damon go back the 1903 prison world to retrieve to Lillian Salvatore in attempt to get Stefan's humanity back. This where we basically left off and never saw the end result.

the end

- Damon and Elena successfully retrieve Lily and make it back to Mystic Falls with Bonnie and Kai. He's not being left behind this time around.

- Chris talks to Janelle about her officially becoming the new leader of her coven, which she gratefully accepts to honor her birth mother, but there is a catch. In order for Janelle to fully restore her powers and have the ability to practice magic like she used to, she must take the immortality elixir.
Background on the immortality elixir:
- Long ago, a witch made a prophecy that if any current leader of the Phoenix Coven dies at the hand of another supernatural being, the next person to take the position must take the elixir.
- Immortality for a Phoenix is nothing like that of a vampire. They don't need to feed on blood to survive and they don't have heightened senses.
- It's temporary. The witch who takes the elixir is allowed to live up to one full lifetime without aging or dying. When time is up, a new witch must be selected to take the previous leader's spot.

- Stefan gets his humanity back and eventually so does Caroline.

- Jo asks Janelle to be her maid of honor at her wedding with Ric and also helps plan the ceremony. Janelle happily accepts.

- Janelle slowly starts avoiding Kai due to overthinking all the possible outcomes of having a future with him if she becomes immortal and he's still human.

- Janelle learns from Enzo that Damon is choosing to become mortal for Elena at Ric's bachelor party. The two siblings have a heated argument because Janelle, along with everyone else, knows that being human is last thing Damon would ever want.

- Intoxicated and angry because of her brother's poor choices, Janelle takes the immortality elixir and regains her full powers.

- The next day, Jo and Cameron (remember her?) have a sit down with Janelle to tell her she's pregnant. They reveal that Chris Warren is actually Christopher Warren Parker. He is Kai and Janelle's son. (A lot of you guessed this from the jump so props to you, I feel like a proud mama lol)

- Unable to even begin to comprehend Chris being her son, Janelle does slowly start to put the pieces together. She understands now that Chris didn't just come back to save Janelle, he came back to save himself.

- Janelle doesn't tell Kai she's pregnant, furthering her need to avoid him.

- As time goes on, Damon and Stefan do as much as they can to help Janelle to make sure nothing hinders her pregnancy. During this process, everyone starts to get to know Chris a little better which he doesn't like too much. (We all know Chris doesn't like to talk about the future by now.)

- Chris grows distant towards Janelle, stemming her to believe that Chris hates her or at least isn't close with her in the future. Janelle asks Stefan to talk to him so she can get some answers, but it's actually Damon who is closest with Chris in future. A fact Janelle will never understand.

- After some long talks, Chris finally reveals the reason he's being distant with Janelle is because she dies when he turns 14. He can't risk getting close to her again, only to go back to a future where she's not there anymore. He also reveals the real parent he isn't closest to in the future is his father. Damon promises to keep Chris' secret, but only if Janelle's death can be avoided.

- Unexpectedly, Janelle takes a last minute trip to New Orleans to get her memories restored from Elijah. She dumps her phone and casts a protection spell so nobody from home can pinpoint her location. The only person who knows Janelle left is Chris.

- After getting her memories back, Janelle learns that when she first met Kai, her humanity was off. Kai was her emotional trigger — she fell in love with him. At this point, Janelle has never been more sure in her life that she was meant to be with Kai because from the jump, it's always been him.

- Janelle is ready to go back home, but gets a call from Chris, telling her she should stay in New Orleans one more day. Janelle refuses because it's Jo's wedding night and if she couldn't be there for the ceremony, she at least wanted to be there for the reception.

- Janelle meets Camille and is happy to know that Klaus found himself a great girl. Janelle finally has a conversation with Klaus before leaving for Mystic Falls. They both agree to stay in touch and remain on good terms no matter what because the love and care they have for each other — romantic or not — will always be there.

- While Janelle was in New Orleans, Kai was slowly going insane without her. Not to mention, she already wasn't speaking to him and ignoring all his calls/texts. He was sure she'd left him for good this time and once again put the blame on his family.

- When Janelle returns to Mystic Falls, the first place she heads is for Jo's wedding which she sadly couldn't be a part of because of her unexpected departure. But once she gets there, she finds the brutal massacre of the entire Gemini Coven which was caused by Kai, who is now a heretic (thanks to Lily).

- Terrified, the first thing Janelle does is call out for her son. Chris, thankfully, arrives without a scratch because he's protected by the immortality elixir Janelle took after Chris was conceived. Unbeknownst to the mother-son pair, Kai heard every word of their conversation. Kai now knows that Chris is his son with Janelle and that she's pregnant.

- In shock by how easily Kai could take out his entire family without so much as a blink of an eye (almost killing his own son in the process), Chris punches Kai in the face and says that if he ever comes near his family again, he'll kill Kai himself.

- Janelle figures out that Chris knew Kai was going to kill his entire coven at Jo's wedding. Chris only ever heard the stories of the things his father did, he never expected to actually be a witness to one of them.

- Jo does not die. Janelle brings her back, but is unable to wake Elena because the sleeping spell became permanent with Kai's death.

- Everyone says their goodbyes to Elena. Janelle thanks Elena for coming into her brothers' lives and loving them even through the toughest times. They end things on a good note.

- 8 months pass. Chris is still in Mystic Falls and is getting ready to go back to the future soon before he is meant to be born. Janelle and Chris are closer than they've ever been.

- Janelle runs into Kai at The Grill. She agrees to forgive him, but only if he promises to make things right with Chris before he leaves.

- Kai learns that in the future he isn't there for Chris like a father normally would be and he only ever cared about his son's magical abilities/how good of a witch he was. The coven always came first and Chris felt he would never be good enough for his father. (Sound familiar?)

- Now realizing that Kai went on to become just like his father, (something Kai promised himself early on that he would never do) he vows to do better for Chris and repair their relationship. It takes some time, but Chris and Kai eventually set aside their differences and become close again.

- Chris goes back to the future the day before his due date/birthday and Janelle gives birth to a healthy baby boy.

- Janelle tells Kai to ask her again to marry him. He obliges and proposes to Janelle with her grandmother's ring (something he'd been holding onto for awhile).

- Kai and Janelle get married the next day and go on to live a happy life together with their son.


note: tadaaaaaaa!! so, that's basically the end/how i wanted the story to play out. if you have any questions or need further clarifications about anything feel free to ask.
thanks for sticking around guys, love youuuu!! ♡

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