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A smirk.

A malicious, sinister, temptingly captivating type of smirk that turned every head in the room.

Cryptic and enigmatic, yet amusing in a way-- or, at the very least, amused.

That was face that haunted the thoughts of the nineteen year old kid that had been exhausted to the point of unintentionally falling asleep on top of his books that were sprawled across the table of the local diner, leaving himself completely defenseless. He knew better than to do that, though; surely his twin sister had taught him by then that she would most definitely, without a doubt, play some silly prank on him if he fell asleep in the middle of a crowded diner in broad daylight. However, after spending the entire night in that very seat finishing his previously incomplete work and studies, he couldn't help but be drowsy.

His high school letterman jacket draped over his shoulders (presumably put there by his sister as an act of kindness toward her tired brother) had the name 'Pines' sprawled across the back in large, eloquent lettering and, below that, the several academic feats that he had achieved in high school-- his jacket being unique in that it lacked the athletics that other's had. Sleeping so soundly as he was, not a single one of the many teenagers that sat in the diner, chatting away with their peers, had the heart to wake him.

So there he stayed, mind wandering amongst topics, dreaming for the most part of one in particular: the one that he had so much trouble shaking from his mind. Dipper had taken notice of him only a few weeks prior, considering the other seemed to just show up one day and, ever since, he could be found anywhere and everywhere in the town, a buzz of rumors following wherever he went. His slight, angular features, sly grins, and unnaturally bleached hair caused him to stand out among those who lived in the small, hick town of Gravity Falls. Even without saying a word, that guy begged for attention and that was exactly what he got from anyone that he dare lay eyes on.

Dipper hadn't been able to figure out what about the man had infatuated him to such an extent: always finding himself dreaming about, or inwardly inquiring about the enigma that had inhabited their town. He wasn't alone in this, however, which he was incredibly thankful for. For the past few weeks, there could always be a group of teenagers found in the diner that were gossiping about how attractive the twenty-something year old man was as he sat alone in the corner of the room, leaning back smugly in his chair with a cigarette hanging from his lips. Dipper couldn't help but agree, however much he hated to.

As these memories played back behind tired eyelids, the teen failed to notice the figure that sauntered up to his clearly occupied table. Wincing as he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, Dipper awoke from his rest, expecting to see that his sister had flicked him to wake him, but quickly realizing that he was actually face to face with the very same man that had just been inhabiting his dreams. Being awoken so suddenly and by someone that he had only ever admired from afar, never spoken to, startled the teenage brunette quite a bit. He jumped back in his seat a bit, looking up at the other with still groggy eyes.

It took him a moment to compose himself, but Dipper eventually managed to bring his hand up to the back of his head where he had been flicked and croak a barely audible, "What the hell?" with his voice that was not quite ready to be speaking so soon after waking.

"Heya, Pinetree." The blond leaned down slightly to meet his gaze, his face covered by such a self-righteous type of grin that it made Dipper want to throw a punch and hit him square in the jaw. He knew that wouldn't end well due to his lack of muscular physique, so he resolved to narrowing his eyes to show his distaste. He almost was able to protest the nickname that the other had given him, more confused as to how he came up with it without knowing his actual name than annoyed with it, but the older male continued to speak before he was able,"Sleep well, doll?"

Again, just as he opened his mouth to respond, the other continued to speak without hesitation. Was it possible that he knew that Dipper wasn't actually going to answer his question, but rather ask several questions of his own? It was difficult to say. Nevertheless, before he a moment to think about it, Dipper found himself looking at the man's outstretched hand and hearing the words, "Name's Bill."

Reluctantly, he took the other's hand and shook it in greeting. "Dipper."

"I know." He replied with a smirk, causing the boy's eyebrows to knit together in confusion. God, he was so smug. Dipper hated how much he enjoyed it.

By the time that any normal greeting would over, Dipper loosened grasp on the other's hand, but Bill only tightened his grip and quickly pulled on his arm, causing the unsuspecting teenager to stumble to his feet-- his momentum carrying him to fall directly onto the other. Luckily, Bill was fairly stable on his feet, so the boy crashing into him didn't cause them both to fall to the floor, but, unfortunately for Dipper, this is exactly was Bill had planned. He quickly moved his free arm to wrap around the back of Dipper's waist, ensnaring him in his embrace with a grin.

It occurred too quickly for Dipper to comprehend, so when he realized that his body was pressed up against the other's, he looked up at Bill with wide, surprised eyes before moving to free himself from his grasp. The blond just chuckled and easily let go of the boy, which made Dipper even more flustered than he already was.

"Let's cop a breeze, darling." Bill's words sounded more like a demand than a suggestion. "Meet me outside. You'll know which car is mine." With that, he turned on a heel and left the building without even a mere glance back at the boy that he left standing there, blushing a deep shade of red, confused, but still oddly compelled to actually follow the other.

"Damn." The only word he could manage.



yoooo so i like how this is going, but im not sure if i like it enough to write more chapters of it. however, if you guys read this and like it a lot and want me to continue, i will. just let me know with the comments or even by voting. thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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