(c)ryan: guys
(c)ryan: guys are any of you up
spenced out: its 2 am
spenced out: of course im up
jon(ny boy): yes hello im here
bren: hi babe
Dallon: Of course I'm here, being woken up by everyone.
ken??: hi hi
Breezy ❄️: hi ryan
(c)ryan: ok good everyones here
(c)ryan: i have an announcement.
spenced out: wHAT IS IT FUCK BOY
(c)ryan: no this is serious.
bren: are you okay??
(c)ryan: not really.
bren: whats wrong???
ken??: yah you were acting weird in school so???
(c)ryan: yeah i know lol
(c)ryan: i really don't want to say bUt.
jon(ny boy); tELL US????
(c)ryan: ok
(c)ryan: i'm moving this week. im going all the way to california.
bren: what
bren: wwha t
bren: nn o yo u cna t
(c)ryan: i'm sorry.
bren: i n e ed you tjroughh
bren: i nne d you
[bren has left the chat.]
Breezy ❄️: Oh god.
Breezy ❄️: I'll go talk to him.
[Breezy ❄️ has left the chat.]
spenced out: you're really leaving, huh?
(c)ryan: yeah.
jon(ny boy): why?
(c)ryan: my dad got a new job.
Dallon: Sorry to hear that.
Dallon: We'll miss you.
ken??: shit ryan
ken??: that sucks.
(c)ryan: as if i don't know that already lol.
spenced out: well i mean
spenced out: we won't see eachother irl
spenced out: but we can still talk on here, right?
jon(ny boy): we can skype too!!
(c)ryan: yeah but
(c)ryan: it wont be the same
ken??: :-(
(c)ryan: yeah,, but!!
(c)ryan: i might come back this/next summer/winter break!!
Dallon: so many options
(c)ryan: my dad said sometime over 'break' so idk
jon(ny boy): hopefully!!
Dallon: Breezy is texting me.
Dallon: She said Brendon is okay, but just really upset.
(c)ryan: same.
(c)ryan: i wanna try talking to him, but idk if that will make things worse or??
Dallon: I don't know.
Dallon: Personally, I wouldn't.
Dallon: Tomorrow might be good.
(c)ryan: ok
spenced out: we're here for you, ry.

Panic! At The Disco Group Chat
Fanfictionjust a lil thingy i made that seems to be the new trend or whatnot. this may include some other people who aren't in p!atd in the future but????? oh well ((mainly ryden tbh but joncer!!!!)) __________ spence: hello my lovelies ryan?¿: spencer wtf th...