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(c)ryan: guys

(c)ryan: guys are any of you up

spenced out: its 2 am

spenced out: of course im up

jon(ny boy): yes hello im here

bren: hi babe

Dallon: Of course I'm here, being woken up by everyone.

ken??: hi hi

Breezy ❄️: hi ryan

(c)ryan: ok good everyones here

(c)ryan: i have an announcement.

spenced out: wHAT IS IT FUCK BOY

(c)ryan: no this is serious.

bren: are you okay??

(c)ryan: not really.

bren: whats wrong???

ken??: yah you were acting weird in school so???

(c)ryan: yeah i know lol

(c)ryan: i really don't want to say bUt.

jon(ny boy); tELL US????

(c)ryan: ok

(c)ryan: i'm moving this week. im going all the way to california.

bren: what

bren: wwha t

bren: nn o yo u cna t

(c)ryan: i'm sorry.

bren: i n e ed you tjroughh

bren: i nne d you

[bren has left the chat.]

Breezy ❄️: Oh god.

Breezy ❄️: I'll go talk to him.

[Breezy ❄️ has left the chat.]

spenced out: you're really leaving, huh?

(c)ryan: yeah.

jon(ny boy): why?

(c)ryan: my dad got a new job.

Dallon: Sorry to hear that.

Dallon: We'll miss you.

ken??: shit ryan

ken??: that sucks.

(c)ryan: as if i don't know that already lol.

spenced out: well i mean

spenced out: we won't see eachother irl

spenced out: but we can still talk on here, right?

jon(ny boy): we can skype too!!

(c)ryan: yeah but

(c)ryan: it wont be the same

ken??: :-(

(c)ryan: yeah,, but!!

(c)ryan: i might come back this/next summer/winter break!!

Dallon: so many options

(c)ryan: my dad said sometime over 'break' so idk

jon(ny boy): hopefully!!

Dallon: Breezy is texting me.

Dallon: She said Brendon is okay, but just really upset.

(c)ryan: same.

(c)ryan: i wanna try talking to him, but idk if that will make things worse or??

Dallon: I don't know.

Dallon: Personally, I wouldn't.

Dallon: Tomorrow might be good.

(c)ryan: ok

spenced out: we're here for you, ry.

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