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Don't proceed if you aren't a fan of Yaoi/Shounen-ai/BxB story.

The Vongola Decimo is facing his own allies or friend of him can help.


A man with brown gravity defying hair was standing in front of one of the many portrait that hung grandiosely in that specific part of the mansion. Sawada Tsunayoshi was having a contemplative look while having a staring contest to the unblinking photo of the First Family particularly to the blond with the same gravity defying type of hair, his great, great, great, great grandfather, Giotto. Maybe that type of hair actually runs in the family. He can't be sure about his father since he always cut it short. He can't imagine him though having the same hairstyle as Primo. It's kind of disturbing.

It wasn't just the hair though that he inherit. People around him says that it was as if he was actually Primo's second coming. Hence, they even change his title to Neo-Vongola Primo. They share the same blood line, being his only direct descendants. They also have the same goal for the Vongola. As much as all of it sounds good, it wasn't the only thing he inherit. Of course that was expected. Every good side has a bad side. You won't see how bright the light was if there wasn't darkness that will contrast it. It's what makes the balance. And to balance all the goodness he inherit from Primo, Giotto's Curse exists.

"I don't think I could handle more," the brunet mutter without taking his eyes off the pair of blue peering down ones. He was waiting for a word from the first boss of Vongola. Maybe the ring would permit another miracle of time just like when he meet all the past bosses during the Trial or when Primo restore the true form of the rings. But of course he received none. Besides he was always on the verge of dying on both circumstances.

Tsuna slump down on the floor while looking up the portrait. He feels so weak right now. How many sleepless night have he already suffer? He already feels like giving up but he knows it what's the wolves lurking around him are waiting. He can't show them that type of weakness. He can't even think what could happen if they see his state right now. He had no ally in his personal struggle.

"I don't understand why you have to be...Primo, why do you have to be so stupidly adorable?!" Tsuna shouted finally losing it. His hyper intuition is blaring in his head telling him of the closing in predators. It's only a matter of time before they find he was in the gallery of the mansion. Maybe all the furniture he place behind the closed door would give enough resistance to hinder them from coming in.

If he just didn't have to inherit Primo's looks, he won't suffer in this ridiculous situation. He didn't know when he started personally putting extra lock on his bedrooms and windows to keep all his male guardians, the Varia even Byakuran and the Arcobaleno outside his room in fear that they will sneak in and molest him while he was asleep. But as expected, any kind of lock stood no chance against them, so he stop sleeping all together to guard himself from them. It didn't deter them though.

If not for his hyper intuition too, he didn't know what would happen if he had eaten all those foods and drinks drugged with aphrodisiac. He even choose eating Bianchi's poison cooking than tasting those doped food. But of course, with Reborn's manipulation, even Bianchi's deadly foods aren't safe anymore for being not so deadly. So he also stop eating in the mansion. He just feed on from the daily onigiri Kyoko secretly made for him.

He's even tempted to stop bathing too. The water supply on his en suite bathroom was cut off leaving him no choice but to shower on the bathroom outside his room that is also accessible for all. The girls help him out of it thankfully. From then on, they shower together with him to keep all the boys lock out of the bathroom since there are girls inside. They just place an opaque curtain for privacy of each side. Later on, he found out there is a spy camera on the shower head he use while a live streaming are shown in the control room. He realize that was actually why no one dare to infiltrate the bathroom, totally not because of the girls.

Tsuna could hear the footsteps coming closer on the gallery. He tried to guess how many are there. He could identify their different type of steps. The heavy ones are for the Varia, light footsteps are for the Arcobaleno except for Colonello. He always has a distinct combat boots thumping loudly while his guardian are always the light yet un-rhythm due to running and sometimes jumping. For some reason he could hear all of them. There was also a rustling of plastic that he could guess is a bag of marshmallow.

"Please Primo... please save your poor great, great, great, great grandson's soul from all the evil in the world. Or maybe just from the evil outside this room..." Tsuna plead growing desperate by the second. He has no strength left to run or fight them. Given his state of dress too, he don't think he could face them confidently and pull on his boss mode. For some reason, although he knows the truth, all his clothes gone missing and only comes out when he has meeting with other Familia. Dresses and skirts also mysteriously appear in his wardrobe. At first he thought they were simply misplaced but days passed and they just continue to increase. His underwear though never comes back and was replaced by a colorful set of lacy panties leaving him no choice but to go commando because wearing them is no way a choice.

The door in the gallery room came flying open together with all the barricade he placed by the door. Tsuna stood face to face with the intruders who look extremely pissed with his trying to block them out. Strange. Shouldn't he be the pissed one. Maybe it's about time he give up the fight. Though at some point in time he declared that he will wipe the Vongola, he kind of don't want his Familia to fall after an internal dispute because of sexual frustration.

Should he just follow Talbot-jiichan's advice? Spread his legs to them just like what Primo did for some of his guardians? Did he even really do that? Maybe he should review the History Book again.

"Trash! How dare you run away? On your knees now!" Xanxus shouted startling the hell of the brunet. A sudden suffocating wave of murderous aura surrounded the room leaving everyone frozen stiff in their place.

"Bastards! I'm your boss! It was supposed to be you who's on his knees now," the brunet replied with a blazing orange orbs. High purity flame was emitted from his body threatening even an insect that comes closer within a meter radius.

All of the supposed to be predator took a safe step back when their prey turns out to be more predatory. Tsuna knows that his Familia is strong. That also means they could survive a little beating and some freezing from him. He finally comes to a decision.

Thus, the book witness another historical event to be passed down to the next generations. A two-day special attraction was opened to the closest allied family of Vongola for private viewing, Frosty. A large scale human popsicles of some of the feared men in the Underworld. It was indeed spectacular seeing Hibari, Mukuro, Xanxus and Reborn gaping with Gokudera topple over Yamamoto while trying to dodge ended up with the two being frozen in a quite compromising position, Gokudera face down on the swordsman's crotch. Even Byakuran sitting crossed legged while floating in the air wasn't spared while his mouth wide open with a marshmallow dangling from his mouth.

After two days, the strongest New Vongola was born. Their boss is a renowned demon it makes even the most brutal people in the mafia trembled at the mention of his name. No one dared to intentionally piss the Neo-Vongola Primo ever again. The Shimon's and Chiavarone's boss though always had a laughing fit every time they enter the Vongola mansion, guess they won't forget that one special attraction.


I wanted to make a serious Fanfic that involve the past generation of Vongola to the Tenth generation but all that came to my mind are crack fics. I still hope you guys enjoy.

Vote and Comment if you don't mind.


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