Past [Part 2]

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It took a long time to finish the other half. Unedited.

WARNING: Shounen-ai and talkative Xanxus. Lots of OOC.


Italy. Year Unknown

Tsuna feels like he was falling in an endless pit. He wanted to shriek but after years of training with his Spartan tutor, his voice simply wouldn’t want to come out. After what he feel like hours, he finally land on something hard, ground he supposed.

“I-Itai…” the brunet said rubbing his temple. The fall must have rack his brain at some point making him dizzy. He just wants to curl up on the warm ground for the mean time then wait for his headache to go away or at least subsided. That is until the ground grunts.

He opens his eyes and meet a sharp pair of crimson orbs. He blinks then continue to stare. It was Xanxus’. Xanxus is lying on the ground. He was on top of Xanxus, his legs on each side of the man’s torso, while his hands were pressed down on Xanxus hard chest. He didn’t really pay attention to it before but Xanxus was really ripped. His chest was so hard and the stomach he was sitting on was so hard he thought it was the ground at first. He must have been doing workout or something, maybe shooting at people was enough work out for him. But still he was in the middle of the forest, sitting on top of Xanxus, staring at Xanxus. Xanxus—

“How long are you planning to fucking sit on me Trash?!”

Tsuna’s wide brown eyes widen even more. “Hiiieeee!” he shriek while scrambling off Xanxus, the embarrassing position finally dawn on him.

The raven finally got up from the ground while the brunet was fidgeting beside him with a red face. Xanxus smirked but quickly wipe it off when the kid looked around somewhat worried.

“W-Where are we?”

“Do I look like I fucking know Trash?” the raven snarled and was about to shout again but catch himself when he felt a person coming. Even the Chibi-boss beside him have gone quiet.

Xanxus pulled out his gun, be damn wherever and whenever they are but he’s going to kill any trash that would come near him.

“Don’t move!” someone shouted behind them. Xanxus was the first to turn around ready to shoot when the trashy boss beside him decided to move and pull his hand back.


Tsuna did not answer so he take the liberty to look around and find that they were actually surrounded by a lot of men wearing funny looking clothes but have fucking cannons and other huge ass guns. What the fuck! He mentally curse again while his mind is working overdrive. Most of those fucking weapons are only seen on the museum. But still, he could wipe them off faster than they could even try to fire those useless things.

“I don’t think it would be wise if we did something here,” the brunet whispered so he must have also realize what he was thinking. They were in a fucking past! Which timeline is the problem!

“Drop your weapons. You are trespassing a Vongola’s property,” one tough looking guy that seems like the leader said. With the brunets pleading look, Xanxus kept his weapon coz he’s no way going to let the fucking useless trashes have it.

“Were going to shoot if you dare to move,” the guy said again while a few more men came nearer to them holding heavy shackles. They restrain their hands though there had been a little struggle with Xanxus while the Chibi-boss willingly gave his hand to be cuff. Fucking trash. They could have just killed them and escape.

They brought them to a dungeon with empty withholding cells, torch lamps attached to the walls were the only source of light. They were still cuffed when they were shove to sit down in front of a stone table built specifically for the room.

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