Chapter 3

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I lay down on the pavement. All I can hear is a ringing in my ear. but I see Lucas running towards me, and Riley standing on the side walk with her hands over her mouth.

My hearing is slowly returning, and I hear Lucas yelling my name. He puts his hand on my heart, and feels my heart beat.

He looks into my eyes.

"34," I say still laying in the ground.


"There were 34 cars," I say.

He smiles at me, looking into my eyes with his hand in my cheek.

My vision is blurry, and I am seeing double. I put my hand out by Lucas' head.

"When did you get a twin brother?" I ask.

He laughs.

"Is... is she ok?" I hear Riley yell.

She runs over to me and hugs me, as I still lay in the ground.

Lucas puts out his hand to help me up. I grab it and stand.

"Ok, ouch," I complain. Riley helps me to the sidewalk.

"Can you walk?" Riley asks, holding me up with her hands around my shoulders.

"I don't know. Let's find out," I say, "let go."

She slowly lets go.

I begin to fall to the ground. Riley saves me.

"How are we gonna get her home?" Says Riley.

"Maya, hop in my back," orders Lucas.

"Kay," i say, my vision still slightly blurry.

Riley holds me up, and I hop onto Lucas' back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He carries me to the subway station.

When we get there, Riley and Lucas sit me down on the steps.

"ugh," I put my hand in my forehead, "my head is pounding."

"We're gonna call your mom to pick us up, and we're going to bring you to the doctor," Lucas says.

"Guys, it's okay. You don't have to come," I tell them.

"No we're going," Lucas tells me.

"Yeah we're not leaving you," Riley says.

"Thanks guys." I say.


I see my mom park in the street. She quickly gets out of the car and runs to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks putting her hands on my cheeks, and then moving one hand into my forehead.

"She seems okay. She's completely alert and we got her to walk. But she needs to go to the doctor just in case," Lucas says.

"Absolutely, " says Mom, "everyone get in the car.


I sit on the cushioned desk that they have in the doctors room. The doctor moves a light in front of my face and tells me to follow it with my eyes.

"She's ok," he says, turning off the flashlight, "she has a bruised side and a mild concussion, but it could have been a lot worse," says the doctor.

"Thank goodness," my mom sighs in relief.

I look over at Riley and Lucas. Roley feel asleep in her chair, and Lucas is just sitting up. He's smiling, probably because I'm not badly injured.


We sit in my room on the floor.

"Okay that's fine," Riley says on the phone with her dad. She hangs up the phone and puts it down beside her, "my mom is on her way to pick me up, so I have to get ready to go."

"Okay." Lucas and I say.

After a few minutes, Riley leaves.


Hope you liked it!

And don't worry, I'm gonna start the next chapter with what happened after Riley left.

Instagram: @officiallucaya

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