Chapter 8

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"Why do you keep smiling?" I question Riley.

We're sitting at lunch alone today, while the boys sit with Lucas's baseball friends.

"Who? Me? What are u talking about?" She tried to keep a serious face and casually takes a bite of her pizza.

"Ya know what I'm thinking?" I wonder, while stabbing my salad with a fork.


"Do you think that Lucas is gonna ask me to homecoming?" I ask. I see Riley's eyes widen. "I mean we both know we like each other, and we've only spoken about it a few times. And not even alone. Just in the group."

"Um I don't know. But maybe," Riley says, taking a sip of lemonade.

Something about the way she said that made me suspicious.

I narrow my eyes. "Is there something I don't know?" I ask.

"Weeeeell," I says Riley. I widen my eyes. "I may have heard Farkle talking to Lucas. And he may have said that he wanted a date to homecoming. And Farkle may have yelled 'finally! I can't believe you took this long'," her voice got really high every time she said "may".

I smile really big "oh my gosh Riley do you think he's gonna ask me?"

"Of course. If he's gonna ask anyone, why wouldn't it be the girl that he's 'in like' with." I love it when people mention that Lucas and I are knowingly "in like."

"Oh my gosh I can't believe this I'm so happy," I squeal.

I look over at Lucas talking to Farkle. He's so cute. He looks over at me and I quickly move my eyes away. He looked at me. Yay.

"What?" Riley questions while loudly chewing on her pizza.

Did I say that last part out loud?

"Nothing." I wipe the smile of my face while subtly shaking my head.


"Okay I have to go deal with an emergency with another teacher, so this class is a free period for today," Mr. Matthews says, and then walks out of the room.

Riley and I turn around to Farkle and Lucas, who sit behind us.

"Wanna play cards?" Asks Riley.

"Sure," says Farkle.

"I'll play," I say.

Riley walks away to get a deck of cards.

"You guys start without me. I'm gonna go to the bathroom," says Lucas.

"Oh ok. Want us to deal you in?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says, looking at me.

"Where's Lucas going?" Wonders Riley as she sits back down putting a deck of cards on her desk.

"We're gonna deal him in. He's going to the bathroom," I inform her.

"Oh alright. Let's push our desks together so this is easier," she suggests.

Farkle and I move our desk so that they're connected to Riley's. After I move mine, I grab Lucas's desk and put it across from mine, forming a square.

"What are we gonna play?" Asks Farkle while he moves his chair to his desk.

"Wanna be basic and play 'Go Fish'?" I suggest.

"Yeah I love that game!" Says Riley.

Riley attempts to shuffle the cards, but fails, so hands them to me while we both laugh. I shuffle the cards and deal them, making sure I leave a spot for Lucas.

Riley looks at her hand of cards and smiles, as she puts 2 Queens down in front of her.

I look at mine, and see that I have no matches. I have the Ace of hearts, 2 of Spades, 5 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, 7 of clubs, Queen of hearts, and Jack of Spades.

Lucas walks in as Farkle puts down two sets of matches.

Lucas picks up his cards as he sits down. "What are we playing?"

"Gold Fish." Riley and I say in unison and immediately look at each other, smiling. "Jinx," we say, once again, at the same time. "Jinx again," we say at the same time, and laugh. Riley narrows her eyes "this isn't over," we all smile.

Lucas puts down one set of matches.

"I'll go first!" Says Farkle, Seeming oddly eager to start, "Maya, got any 2's?"

"Go Fish," I smirk, "Riley, any Queens?" I ask, turning my head to Riley.

She rolls her eyes and slaps a queen onto my desk. I smile, pairing it with my other queen, and putting them together in front of me.

"Maya, got any fours?" She says, confidently.

"Go fish!" I smile.

"DANGIT!" She says, angrily picking up a card from the deck.

"Lucas, got any 3's?" I ask.

"Ugh yes," he says, handing me a three.

I go to pair it up wth my other three, and then realize that there is a peice of paper on top of the three that Lucas handed me. I turn over the peice of paper. It reads: 'I think we'd be a perfect match at homecoming. What do you think?' I smile really hard.

I pair the threes together and say "perfect" as I place them next to my pair of queens, looking and smiling at Lucas. I put the note in my pocket. Wow. I can't believe that we agreed to go to homecoming together right in front of Riley and Farkle, and neither one of them even noticed.

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.


Was that a little too cheesy? Oh well. I regret nothing.

Thanks for reading! I really hope that you guys liked it.

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Instagram: @mayclutterbucket

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