chapter 10

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Kirstie's POV
It was a peaceful day.
Mitch had gone off with his boyfriend again,
(this time to spend the night, yikes)and mom and dad had gone to work,so like always, Scott and I were hanging out at home, doing homework and making chocolate.

We use to make chocolate everyday when we had a home.
With our real mom and dad.
We were happy.
We were always happy....

Anyway, I stirred the melted goodness with a spoon while Scott found the butter.

"So. I see Mitch is enjoying boyfriend enough."

Scott flinched but nodded grimly. "Yup."

"How about you?"

He turned and faced me with a odd expression. "Excuse me?" he asked.

"I see you have a eye out for Mitch, am I right?"

Scott sighed. "I'm see through in front of you, Maldonado!" I grinned.

"So what's wrong?" Scott sighed again.

"It's nothing really. It's just...." I waited.
He stopped and I moaned.

"C'mon! If you can't trust me, then who can you trust?" At this, Scott's expression turned firm.
"You're right," he said. "It's....about Travis.."
back to Mitch's POV!!don't hate me ;)

I looked up at the orange sky.
"It's beautiful." I said and Travis looked at me.

"You're right." He said, still staring at me.
I faced him and pushed his head back a little.

"Stop it!!" I said, my face flushing.
He grinned and parked his car in his parking lot. My heart skipped a beat.

He opened the door for me, and I stepped off of his car, and stepped through his front door.
I was nervous. Travis grinned at me.
"Don't be nervous." He said and I grinned back. Sometimes, I really felt I was see through around him. Well, that's love I guess.

We went upstairs to his room and I sat on the bed, a little uncomfortable. It was Travis's house, so his parents were not here.

I was alone with a boy.

I blushed as Travis came in with some drinks.
I took the dr. pepper but did not open it.
Neither did he. He kept staring at me with this strange grin.

Finally I cracked. "What??" I whined.
He laughed. "You're just...really pretty."he said.
I stared into his beautiful brown eyes.
We leaned in and our lips met in the middle.
We kissed and kissed untill I ran out of breath and had to pull away.

And that's when the tongues came in.
I opened my mouth and let his tongue enter my mouth.

He stood up suddenly, and he unbuttoned
his shirt so I took off my top as well.
His hand moved around my body untill it reached my belt.
He undid it with amazing speed and pulled my pants off. I smiled and he did the same.
It was going to be a VERY fun night.

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