Coming Home

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Today is finally my last day at the hospital. We're getting everything ready. They had the twins last exams and now they're bathed and changed and fed. They're changed into completely white outfits. We had their birth certificate in a folder.

"Anahi estas lista para irte?" The nurse said.

"Ahhy si por fin!" I laugh.

"Sii porfin!" She said in an Agentinan accent.

"Estan los guardias atras por la puerta por ahi pueden pasar. Si ocupan algo no tengan miedo en llamar." She smiled as we left the room.

We went through the back doors where people wouldn't see us. Kevin had Asher in his seat and he carried it. Gerardo also came to help and he had Mia. He opened the door let me go in first then they put the boys in the back. I helped him buckle Angel while he buckled Asher. He smiled at me and said "te quiero baby." And then he went to the front. He kept looking in the back for us. It was finally just going to be us four.
When we got home Kevin got Mia and Asher out of the seat and then helped me get out. He then passed me Angel and he got the bags out. We met inside. I was still carrying Mia while Kevin carried Asher. He was so cute when he slept. Their little soft snores were adorable. Kevin got food for us and then we went to sleep. The whole night was filled with crying and wake ups. I only got 4 well hours of sleep. But it'll be okay. I got my babies with me. And that's all that matters.

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