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Rachel's POV

God why can't people just let it go like my mom said in Frozen. OKAY my sisters idiotic girlfriend released a sex tape its been like 4 months LET IT GO!

Anyway my name is Rachel Lopez and including my half sisters I have 5 siblings and one parent.
I know WILD!

But ever since my dad died and my step dad leaving us we've managed to become a stable family.

We are not suffering for money but I just wish we had a complete family.
Santana is like my best friend I can trust her with anything although we fight being sisters but now we have grown up and finally understand each other.

I was Fanny in Funny Girl which has been my dream since'Ive been a fetus.

My mother is Idina Michele she kept my step-dads last name.

My sister Mercedes Lopez is bothered a lot for being a little heavier but I think she's beautiful.

Im pretty sure my step sisters favor me more ;) just kidding we just get along better than the other two.
I sing and I know San and Cedes can too they just haven't tried. We all can all the Lopez and Micheles in this family can.

We use to do musicals and such but now its all work work.

I'm moving to L.A with Quinnie in 2 weeks. I'm going because I want a change I love New York and all but change is good. I'm 23 and Ive' already traveled the world so I think I sort of need to settle down for a little.

Quinn is moving because she got into UCLA she's going to try and fit in but all our lives being broadcasted all the time we can't walk one mile without hearing a click from a picture being taken.

I heard running as I was laying down messy bun and a cute pair of sweats.

Jenna- Santana stop!

Santana- No! I watched as San and Jenna tickle each other as well as the crew video taping EVERYTHING we do! Part of the reason I'm moving.

Me-You guys are such children. I said giving a chuckle. They ran to me tickling me I laughed a little but I'm not really ticklish.

I felt Santanna feeling my six pack yes I work out its very important for me.

Santana- Damn! Bitch do you even eat.

Me- Yes! I yelled.

Jenna- Ooh my god she's heartless!

Me- That's what is says on my Instagram profile must be true. I said chuckling.
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Hello read my story yeah? Ill try to make it good ;) might be surprised on who I am. I have another profile where I have 3 stories. Who am I?..

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