Airport Troubles Prt 1

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3 Weeks Later
Me, Quinn, and San yes Santana are moving to LA today..

San's girlfriend Dani broke up with her for some tattooed freak, so we decided to bring her along for the ride.
Of course media has to follow us

'Rachel & Santana Take LA' I don't know why they don't include my step sister Quinn but whatever.

Quinn wants to set me up with someone but I don't know I've never been the 'dating' type.
The sad thing is Quinn and I won't really hang out much turns out UCLA is a lot harder than it was before. So she'll be gone most of the time.

I've recently been writing songs and....a book.
I've never been the person that shares a lot I've always been reserved I guess.
Which is why no one else knows about my song writing.

Santana- Come on babes let's go!

Quinn- Give me a sec!

Me- Quinn let's go!

Quinn- Fine.

Me- Bye mom, bye cedes, I'll miss you Jen, Blaine be good. I said with a chuckle
My sibling said their goodbyes as well and we were on our way to the airport.


Me- I need a Starbucks anyone else?

Quinn- Nah, bad for the teeth.

Santana- I'll go.
San and I got up walking through the crowds of worried, exited, and angry people.

We got to Starbucks and we covered our faces with ridicously large floppy hats.

I took mine off because it got hot.


A huge crowd came toward us until security blocked them thank god!
I was walking forward to get in my order , crowd or not I'm getting my coffe!

I tripped over a pen a kid must've dropped but before I could feel the hard tile floor I fell into someone's arms. I looked up and saw a handsome man.

I got up and thanked him.

Me- May I get your name?

Him- Finn Hudson.

Me- Well um thanks for uh catching me. I said nervously looking into his beautiful hazel eyes.

Finn's POV

Man she was the most beautiful girl ever. I know that's she's famous and all but that's not the reason I was interested just when I caught her I felt tingles go up and down my spine.

I heard she's moving to LA no perrvert, her entire life is broadcasted.

I'm going to LA too I got signed by a record label, I love music just not so good with dancing..
Maybe I'll see her out one night.

Rachel's POV

When he caught me I felt weird like a shock went through my body. His eyes are beautiful..SNAP out of it he would never want to be with someone that barely has any privacy..

I gave my order along with Santana's order to the lady working.
I zoned out looking out in the Starbucks where I saw the barista making my coffee.

After receiving my beloved coffee Santana and I walked back out while security surrounds us. Of course the millions of clicks and flashed at a time as well. As well as people yelling questions.
'Will you meet someone in LA?'
'How do you feel about the move?'
'Your sister being dumped for a freak!'
'Is the pregnancy rumor true about Quinn?'
What the hell really people! Honestly people gain some respect!!

Lady- Now boarding flight from New York to Los Angeles first class you may line up.

I was about to go first since security worries of us going through a crowd of people when I saw a familiar tall figure. It was Finn.
No stalker he's literally 6' feet tall or more.

I walked very fast and managed to board the plane along with my sisters. I know what your thinking '1st class what about your private jet?' I wanted to convince San and Quinn that flying international airplanes aren't bad either but maybe I was wrong. The security put all mine, Quinn's and Santana's luggage up on top. Of course they HAD to have tickets to sit in back of us and to the side of us.

1st class is two-seated and I wanted to sit next to a stranger weird I know but I want to know what being an actual person is like rather than being in the center all the time.
Santana and Quinn sat down together as I waited at the window seat on my iPhone for the plane to take off.
As I saw a familiar person get on the plane and sit next to me
Author's Note
Have any idea who I am yet?.. :)

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