Airport Troubles Prt 2

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Finn's POV

Justin booked me in 1st class to get to LA and all but it really doesn't matter to me.
As I sat down I saw her Rachel Lopez along with Santana and Quinn in the isle beside her. Again they're in the the middle of everybody's eyes so their name are revealed no stalker.
When I sat down she looked up from her iPhone and smiled at me with her perfect smile.

Rachel- Hey Finn right?

Me- Yeah.

Rachel- We're gonna be on this plane for 6 friken hours. She said while being frustrated.
I pouted

Me- What you don't want to get to know me?

She put her hand on my face.

Rachel- Of course I do. She said smiling, all of sudden tons of flashes are sent directly toward us.

Rachel- Oh my god!

She than grabbed her blanket and covered her face and they all went away.

3 Hours Later--

Rachel's POV

Finn and I had fallen asleep after talking, turns out he got a record deal by Justin Timberlake Records. Finn is an amazing guy ugh only if we could hang out without flashing cameras.
I had woken up from discomfort I litterally hate flying because it feels like I'm trapped I can't get out.
I guess me moving around woke Finn up oops..

Finn- You okay? He said groggily

Me- Yeah sorry I woke you. I said blushing of embarssment.

Finn- Its fine. He said giving me his hot smirk.

1 Hour Later

Finn and I have been laughing and talking for a really long time god he has such an amazing personality. Santana and Quinn ocassionally look at me and raise their eyebrows when they see Finn and I get a little too close to each other..

Finn- Okay truth or dare?

Me- Umm,, dare.

Finn- I dare you toooo...tweet a pic of us holding hands. He said smirking.

Me- People make up so many rumors though. I said pouting.

Finn- You're a Lopez no one messes with a family as tough as yours.

Me- Fine. I said smiling.

I grabbed my iPhone and held Finn's hand but there was a shock sent through my body giving me a tingly feeling well that's new.

I took a picture of us holding hands. And since WiFi sucks up here I decided to post it after.

Finn's POV

To be honest I just wanted took hold her hand...hehe
I really like her though even though I just met her there's something about her that makes me smile and feel happy.

What's sad is that in one more hour it'll all be over. So I did something brave. I gave her my number and she gladly accepted but made me promise I wouldnt leak her number.

Rachel seemed really tired still she knocked out and when she did she layed her head on my shoulder. I looked at her and she just looks unbothered and peaceful. Why can't this last longer!

Santana's POV

the pilot just annonced we're about to land. I though Rachel would be screming with joy by now so I look over and see her laying on this mans shoulder and him sleeping as well.

Wow Rachel found a guy. Time to embarss the crap outta my little sister.

Me- HEY RACHEL WAKE UP WE ARE GONNA LAND! I yelled waking both her and Finn, and everyone whistling at them.

Both of them blushed and got off each other.

Mission accomplished. I got a little nudge from Quinn since I bacically screamed in her ear..
The pilot let me, Quinn, and Rachel out first since well you know.. Rachel didn't want to leave since she wanted to stay and be with her boy toy but I forced her up.

Rachel's POV

I didn't want to get up! But fucking Santana made me just because she's older.. Anyway at least I have his number. I know the Justin Timberlake Records are in LA so I may just happen to run into him?..

As we were heading out of the airport the paparazzi knocked over this inoccent elderly lady.

I helped her up as security pushed the paparazzi back.

We continued our way out and their he was my best friend Johnathon Groff he's been trying to convince me to move out here and I finally did.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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