~Chapter 9~

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends in the hole world <33



*Harrys POV

I fluffed out my curls in front of the full length mirror by my front door. As much as I wanted to stay away from those grey hospital walls I had no choice but to go back. The doctor had requested to see me again to make sure my stitches were healing properly. 

After I was some what satisfied with how my hair looks I left my flat and quickly jogged down the back stairwell incase any nosy paparazzi were out front. The only motivation for me even wanting to return the this bloody hospital is knowing that I would be able to see Katrine again. I hadn't stopped thinking about her.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot and lowered my sunglasses to my face as I got out of my Range Rover. I made goofy faces at the scattered paparazzi who repeatedly took my picture. I entered the hospital and went up to the reception desk. I recognized the nurse on reception as the one who had brought me my tacos every morning and changed my blankets.

"Hello Mr.Styles how are you doing?"

"I'm well."

"That's great, Doctor Ryland will see you in five minutes. Please take a seat over there."

"Thanks Love, can I ask you one quick question?"

"Sure!" she asked looking quite excited. She would be disappointed to know I wasn't asking her out.

"Katrine Nelson, the one that was injured with me in the car accident, how is she doing?"

"Well here's the thing Harry, this a hospital not a permanent shelter. We can't keep people who aren't ill here forever. We were not able to find any family members associated with her. We searched through birth after birth records and it was no use. We couldn't find any siblings or grandparents either. I'm sorry Harry but we had to send her to a woman's shelter."

Woman's shelter. The words kept repeating in my head. I felt like my heart had been thrown on the floor and smashed into one hundred thousand pieces.

"Mr.Styles are you alright?"

I tried to speak but I made no sound. The hole room began to blur and spin around me.

"Mr. Styles?"

Before I could even look up the room went completely dark as I felt myself fall to the floor.


*Louis POV*

I sat by Harry's bedside waiting for him to wake up from his unconsciousness. This felt like déjàvu, mostly because I was in this exact same circumstance two weeks ago. His eyes began to flutter open and his eyebrows twitched.

"Hi Harry."

"Hi Louis."

"I'm sorry about Katrine Harry."

"You know?"

"Yeah, the nurse told me."

"Why isn't anything working out?"

"Harry there's an easy fix for this problem. You have to adopt her from the woman's shelter. According to the nurse she was taken to one here in London."

"I can't Lou, what will management say? Besides I think she's slightly older then me, they would never let me adopt a girl who's older then me. I have a better idea. You and Eleanor have to adopt her."

"How is that any better?"

"Think about it, they would have to accept your adoption offer. You obviously have the income, you and Eleanor have been in a relationship for more then a year and if you just have to lie about your age."

"Harry what is management going to say?"

"We won't tell them. Please Lou you have to do this for me?" He begged putting on his best puppy face.

"No Harry, don't give me those sad eyes."

"Please??" he begged making my face looking even cuter.

"Fine, Fine Harry I'll try! But if I'm going to adopt Katrine you have to do something for me.'


"You have to break up with Tara."

"I can't Louis, I can't break up with her."

"Why do you even still love the bloody bitch?" I snapped

" Yes i know we met at the club and yes we had sex, good sex actually but besides what she does in the bedroom she doesnt make the earth move for me so I broke it off. Management made us stay together. God I can't stand the bloody stupid bitch. She's nothing but a big lying cheater. Now that she's a popular music artist and always going on tour she's been caught cheating on me with Taylor Laughtner multiple times. I tried to break up with her but management quickly made us get back together before we went public. Even her own fans don't like her dating me, you think Eleanor gets hate? Goodness everybody hates Tara. There aren't any of those 'I support Tara' fan pages for her like there are for Eleanor. I really would love to break up with her for good but I'm sorry Louis I can't."

"There's a way Harry, you have to show the fans who she really is and the minute they see the proof she'll be running. So do you think you can do it?" asked Louis

"Yes, I'll break up with Tara."

**End Chapter 9**

Thanks for reading <33 love you all.






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