Chapter 7

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__1__'s POV:

"Bam!" you yell after killing the last guy in the room with Booker.

One last time, Elisabeth threw you a med pack and you quickly healed yourself. After that, you took off again, being careful when you entered the next room and holding your bomb thrower at the ready.

You jumped when the heavy metal door to your cell swung open and turned off the game you were playing before facing Jeff. He just threw a look at the screen and chuckled when he read the name of the game you had been playing up until his arrival.

"I swear, I've never seen anyone get addicted to Bioshock this fast!" he teased you.

"Shut up! It's a great game," you grumbled playfully, shooting your kidnapper a big grin.

"Yeah? What about this one?" he asked, holding up Battlefield 4.

"If I beat you at that, will you let me go?" you asked innocently, kind of hoping he would take the bait, but doubting the possibility.

"You wish," Jeff snorted, crushing your hopes on a quick escape immediately.

He walked over to the Xbox and popped in the new game before grabbing a controller and set himself next to you. You send him a sideway glance and he looked back at you, smirking challenging at you. You snickered and focused back on the screen when the game started up.

"There's no way you can beat me at this," the dark haired killer bragged.
"I've been playing these games every day I don't go out killing."

"And I've been undefeated since middle school," you told him smirking.
"No matter how big a nerd I played, they never beat me."

"Maybe that's because they were looking at something else, babe!" the serial killer laughed.

You blushed heavily at his comment and sent him a halfhearted glare.

"What the hell does that mean?!" you asked offended.

Jeff just laughed again and shook his head. You huffed in annoyance, but kept to yourself for a while. For the first fifteen minutes your kills were pretty even with Jeff's and that was something you were pretty proud of considering the guy made a living out of killing. That reminded you, had he gone out today to kill people? That was actually a pretty scary thought.

"So what did you do today?" you asked him, trying to sound casual.

"Why'd you wanna know?" the killer asked suspiciously.

"I'm just trying to strike a conversation," you answered, rolling your eyes.
"If you want, I'll tell you about my day too. I played Bioshock. Your turn."

"I went over to your college to get your sister her first tip," he told you frowning, not taking his eyes of the game and killing another soldier before getting killed himself.

"You saw my sister?" you asked him interested.
"How was she?"

"Angry," the pale boy chuckled.
"And I don't like the hyper blond chick she's rooming with."

"You talked to (f/n)?" you gasped.

"Are you crazy? I just sat in a tree next to the dorm and watched them 'till they went to bed," Jeff replied as if that was completely normal. You guess it's normal for him.

__2__'s POV:

"A note!" (f/n) yelled, running out of the small kitchen and into your bedroom.

You blinked a few times before sighing and stepping out of your bed. The hyperactive blonde was jumping next to you, looking utterly terrified. You guessed that is normal at the idea of Jeff the killer coming back into the room without either of you noticing.

You on the other hand were more or less relieved that he had come. With this note, you were one step closer to finding your sister.

"Thanks," you mumbled when the girl handed you the envelope.

You just planned on opening it when the window slid open and Liu jumped inside. He had his dark hoodie pulled over his head end his scarf tightly wrapped around his neck. That too was pretty logical in your eyes, seeing as he had spent the entire night on the lookout for Jeff.

"You saw him?" you asked.

"You think he's gonna get past me unnoticed?" he snorted.
"I even followed him all the way back to the woods."

"And?" (f/n) asked hopeful.

"Then I lost him," the brunette shrugged, walking over to the kitchen to raid the fridge.

You stopped following the strange male with your eyes and looked at your friend, who was visibly shaken up by only his presence. You frowned when you noticed she was still afraid of the ruthless killer... Ok, she was the smarter one of you two to still be afraid of that guy.

"Let's open the letter!" she said smiling shakily at you.

You nodded and went to open the envelope when you tensed up. A worrying thought just wormed it's way inside your mind. What if he just wanted to let you know that he killed your sister because you brought Liu in this.

"He doesn't know," the brunette male told you, sipping from a glass of orange juice.

You stared at him in surprise. Did he just read your mind?

"How do you know?" you asked him instead.

"Because Jeff is a very dramatic guy," Liu replied.
"If he knew, he would make a big scene out of killing your sister. Probably making something he considers artistic out of a few dozen corpses."


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